Popular Tasting Notes
Truly characteristic of Pure Darjeeling White. Abstract feeling. Un-describable. Light transparent liquor shading a hue to the watery texture. Fruity, and wholesome to the senses. Characteristic smell to compliment the Godly taste. Very satisfying for the White lovers. Avongrove has successfully produce the best of the season (2012) despite the scant rain and low production.
This is a nice smooth tea. It’s roasted but not too heavy and is good hot or cold-steeped. Actually one of the few if not the only tea with fruit that I like in a hot cup of tea. I liked it and would be happy to receive it again but I wouldn’t pay any money to have it again.
This tea is like a woodland romance in a bag. It even looks like the ground after a forest wedding—a burnt brown woodchippy base speckled with festive petals. It smells like honey through and through; it’s hard to detect anything else.
I just can’t get “romance” out of my mind when trying to describe this tea. It’s single-mindedly sweet with not a bitter note in it: simple, innocent, and innocuous. It somehow manages to avoid being garish, probably due to some tempering from the rose and lavender.
This is a fairytale tea, a happy-ending tea, to be drunk when you want something uncomplicated and charming. Recommended.
Flavors: Flowers, Honey, Rose, Vanilla