Popular Tasting Notes
I was really skeptical about this tea at first. Normally if employees don’t suggest a tea, I question if they like it or not. I bought this only to complete all the teas in the list and WOW was I amazed about how well it tastes. The chocolate and cinnamon really make this tea really delicious. I thought that I was going to not like it because I didn’t like teas with candy/chocolate added to them, but this one definitely changed my mind!
A cup of this tea is a great way to wind down after a long stressful day. It gives you a strange body high that seems to slow things down. It tastes pretty good, for a herbal tea, and the flavor can easily be changed and sweetened with a touch of agave nectar.
Place holder until future steeps
I tried one sencha yesterday, so I thought I’d follow it up with another! The inside of the packet looks like the leftovers from a hay bale, except green. So perhaps an alfalfa bale. These leaves smell a lot sweeter than yesterday’s. Sweet dry alfalfa. I went for the minimum recommended steep time (2 min). The liquor is a pale gold with a tinge of green. It gives off a faint…..dry grass, almost roasted scent. The taste reminds me of high-summer hay. A little grassy, a little roasted, more body, but still light. There’s an almost metallic tang on the end, but it’s swallowed up by the sweetness in the breath. (I probably used too hot of water.)
Further steeps revealed this to be true….