1024 Tasting Notes
I’ve been getting through my stock of this more lately as my lazy morning beverage, seeing as I now work somewhere I can make myself a good coffee in the morning I don’t keep fresh beans around at home so coffee isn’t the go-to even on days off. Making me happy, this new routine!
Ooh, I’, not sure how I feel about this Monstrositea sample! I had a pot of it last night and found it surprisingly sweet, now this morning with a second round I’m getting a kind of burnt flavour. Still lots of caramel and vanilla, particularly on the nose but also to taste. How intriguing! Still plenty of my sample left so I’ll ponder it for a couple of days and then head back in…
Flavors: Burnt, Caramel, Vanilla
Ah, it seems I’ve drank this up without logging and removing from my cupboard. Tsk. It was quite nice seeing the chamomile flowers bobbing away and the honey sachet was a cute addition to the Monstrositea selection for the month, but I rarely drink straight chamomile, I prefer to go for the sleepy tea blends, for fancy reasons.
It’s got the taste of rooibos without the annoying rooibosness. If that makes any sense at all. It doesn’t really, does it?
Finally brought my tin full of Monstrositea samples to my lovely new workplace so I might finally start getting to the bottom of more of them, hooray for me! And hooray for my lovely new workplace! A month and a half and I’m still in honeymoon stage.
Got this sample from a Monstrositea box (I’ve unsubscribed for the time being, to try to get through more of the teas in the pantry!) and I have to say, this was far more exciting than I was expecting. A lovely choc mint treat, it’s also got splashings of rose and coconut through it… not what I was expecting when I read its name! Come on, get a more exciting name, so I can get more excited. I’m down.
Flavors: Mint