My David’s order came!! Woot! I got 50 grams of Santa’s Secret plus their winter collection. I remember loving the cardamom french toast, but I put that aside for a cold winter afternoon. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of such afternoons to come! I decided on this one. I was pretty sure I’d had this one before, like a sample from a previous order, but I don’t see a tasting note for it. So here goes:
It brews up nice and dark. I don’t taste much of anything, so it’s not sour or bitter. It has a nice mild flavor, I guess. It is certainly drinkable, but I wouldn’t bother with a separate order of this. It looks like a lot of people really enjoy this tea, but it doesn’t do anything for me. To each his own. I give it a recommendation because it is pleasant enough and if I had a sense of smell I would probably find flavors to enjoy.