248 Tasting Notes
Thanks Epi Tea for sending out these samples, I always love to try out new stuff!
Tried this tea early this morning before work, didn’t get a chance to write about it! I’m going to try my best and remember what I thought…
Lovely lavender smell, it’s also the flavor that comes across most in the tea. I don’t think I’ve had any lavender tea before and I really enjoyed it. I’m also pleased there’s another Earl Grey that I like (had a not so good experience with DT’s Cream of Earl Grey). Woohoo! The bergamot was there but was not overpowering which is great. Overall very nice. :) I re-steeped and got another light, but still decent cup.
I would definitely grab pick up some more of these, good easy morning “single serving” teas (I’ve been making a lot of pots of tea for my future mother-in-law while we stay here).
Trying this again, brewed hot this time.
Not bitterness like I got with the cold brewed (maybe it was my water, I’m in a different location now).
Smells peachy and delicious, and the loose tea is very pretty to look at. Very nice and light and peachy. Added a little bit of sweetener to the last bit of tea in my cup and it makes it pretty tasty.
My future mother-in-law gave me this, which was a gift to her, but she says she doesn’t have the time to make tea.
It’s a pretty “meh” blend, I even steeped it for a bit longer. It could be because I’ve been drinking some stronger teas lately, but it just seemed like a general herbal. The honey bush is nice, and I do get a very light mint flavor from spearmint, not so much of the other ingredients. I’ve got one more that I’ll probably use at some point, but definitely won’t go out of the way to get any myself.
Woo! This might be a bit too spicy for me. I’m a pretty big wuss though when it comes to spices.
I got this from the sampler pack and brewed this according to one of the reviews on Adagio: " I brew it in boiling water for 2 minutes, then add milk (1:1 proportion), bring to a boil, bring the heat down and simmer for another 5-6 minutes. Then add in some honey and its perfect."
I think it may be the ginger, but something hits me right in the back of the throat. I’m not a huge fan of ginger so… Not sure how much of the actual tea I was getting either, could have been I didn’t use enough (a heaping perfect teaspoon). This definitely needed the honey for me, sweetens it up nicely and brings out some of the flavors. I may try again with some different brewing.