Has Steepster's dashboard being on the fritz changed the way you drink tea?

38 Replies
MzPriss said

Well, it’s making me come to Steepster less because of the sheer frustration level. My job is ALWAYS insane with insane hours – except for this week while I’ve been on vacation – which has given me time to set up my tea cabinet and my PUMIDRAWER and my kitchen corner which enables me to FIND my tea more readily. But I AM writing less, even on my blog so yes, it has changed my keeping track habits.

SarsyPie said

Pumidrawer FTW!!!


MzPriss said

Here is a picture of my pumidrawer. I used one of the drawers in my bedroom dresser that I emptied. I’ve actually added more to it as I came across more pu since I took this picture. I’ll put up links to rest in the “show us your stash” thread if I can find it:


So it’s just a drawer then? I thought it was going to be some high tech drawer with perfectly contained humidity & temp. Now I feel relieved :)
Mine are all in boxes…shu’s in separate boxes from shengs.
I probably should be storing them some other way, but it’s what I got.
Maybe some day I’ll get Mr M to send me a plan for something better.
Or not.

MzPriss said

yup just a plain ole dresser drawer. some day I will upgrade like mrmo

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My pregnancy is changing the way I drink tea more than the site issues here. But I have to agree with you and say that the site issues ARE affecting what I drink. I don’t want to write new notes and not post them (i.e. keep a backlog to post later). I can’t try something new and NOT write a note. So I’m mostly drinking down a bunch of older stuff, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because I have a HUGE stash that I need to drink down. But I really love trying a new tea every few days and posting about it. It makes me sad that I can’t do that anymore.

I suppose I could fight through the site issues like plenty of people here are doing, but the new server is really infuriating me. I’d prefer to wait until things return to normal. I don’t back up my notes, so it really scares me when I can’t find a previous note I’ve written.

Congrats on your pregnancy!! Yay! :D

Thank you! :) I’m 22 weeks tomorrow and the baby is the size of a spaghetti squash. O_O

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No, not really. I am still drinking as much tea as ever but less tempted to buy more when I’m not on Steepster as often :)

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