Has Steepster's dashboard being on the fritz changed the way you drink tea?

Hey everyone! I miss you guys so much, which is not just a result of the dashboard’s rebellion, but also just my current crazy busy life: 30 students at home studio, 30 students (in groups of 10) at the school, gigs, garden, sleeping…

All of this effects the way I drink tea. On school days (mon, wed, fri) I’m out the door no later than 6:30am (major culture shock for me, but I’m adjusting, LOL). I leave here with a cold frittata that I made the night before, a lunch also packed at night, & my only tasks before leaving in the morning are to shower, get dressed, & make 3 mugs of tea: 2 20 oz stainless steel thermos, & my 12 oz porcelain travel mug. The mug is usually some kind of ‘wake you up’ breakfast blend or assam, to be drank while driving & eating wedges of frittata. In each thermos I have some yunnan that can be brewed twice, at 3min & 5, combined. I drink one thermos in the morning, the other in the afternoon, rationing them out into a pretty cup I bought to keep at school. When I get home I feel exhausted & tea starved, & I want puehr!

On tues & thurs I’m home with students coming & going all day, & I want continuous gongfu sessions with various teas, & I want to read & write reviews! But I haven’t written anything in days. I haven’t read anything. Instead I’m mostly playing catchup, but I’m still drinking tea.

Having an actual job has changed the way I drink tea. The dashboard being frozen has also changed the way I’ve been drinking tea, & yeah, I know I can hit the explore button to read reviews, & I plan to do that this weekend, but it’s not the same. This is the longest I’ve seen steepster suffering, & although I have full faith that Jason the Awesome One & his team will get this all worked out, until then I’ve suspended the drinking of any teas that I’ve never reviewed before.

38 Replies
Uniquity said

I also have a weird work schedule that has me out of the house by 5:15 am which has changed my habits.

Imploded Steepster has changed my habits in that I am not bothering to dring or review new tea right now as I want to write reviews only if people can actually read them. I owe Teavivre four reviews but want them to have a chance of being read since the teas were sent for review. I still keep checking the site daily but it is mostly habit and kind of disappointing.

Uniquity said

I meant disappointing in that there is practically nothing new to read and it is a struggle to access posts.

5:15?? I can barely get out the door by 6 (and usually closer to 6:30). How in the hell do you do it?

Uniquity said

Entirely out of necessity and against my will. My husband carpools to work and they want to leave at 5:45. It takes half an hour to get there. Yuck! After I drop him off at the carpool, I go to my father’s and sleep another hour before getting ready for my work. It’s not fun!

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Denny said

Sip on

Hey, I just realized you’re also in St L!

Denny said

Go Cards!

I second that!

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Lala said

It hasn’t changed how I drink tea. But it has changed most of the rest of my life. I haven’t been spending a whole lot of time on steepster because there is either nothing updated or its all just a big mess. So I am surprisingly getting lots of other stuff done.

Still miss my steepster peeps tho :(

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Usually I get updates from Steepster via discussion posts I’ve subscribed to getting forwarded to my email… to my phone. And then I would catch up on reviews at night. Steepster being down meant I was suddenly obsessedly trying to check the website on my phone every hour or so and being disappointed that the site wasn’t updating either. I missed the conversations and the sheer awesomeness of tea people.
On the other hand it meant that I was contemplating the tea experience more and reflecting more on the tea itself rather than trying to do that while composing a tea note and hoping that Steepster didn’t eat it.
Also led me wanting to perhaps start a physical tea journal too. =)

I keep a tea journal, when I have time. I don’t log every tea in it, but I like keeping track of how I steeped various teas, with the eventual idea of deciding whether I like a short steeps, 2 longs steeps, quantity, etc. There’s a page for each tea, with the various steeping parameters I’ve tried.
Maybe someday my grandkids (or some archeologist?) will enjoy reading it?

OMGsrsly said

I see a Master’s thesis there, Terri! “The Anthropology of Tea Drinking (in America).”

That’s certainly a more organized way of doing it than I thought of doing it! My tea journal would probably be an unorganized hodgepodge of random thoughts and numerous side stories, with a spattering of tea details amongst what should be a personal diary. The notes I post are actually usually edited down from what they could be, even the extra rambly ones. I thought of starting a blog with the unedited posts, but I might simply be too lazy to switch between my various google accounts on blogger. ;)

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Cheri select said

I miss updates on my reviews. I’m still reviewing teas, but it just doesn’t feel the same. I’m in the Lewis and Clarke TTB which requires reviews of all teas, so I’m still writing the reviews. Not getting feedback on my reviews, though….it’s sad.

SarsyPie said

Aaawww!!! I will go leave you some comments! I miss the note discussions, too!

Cheri select said

Even if you leave comments, I don’t see them unless I go look. No notifications, no emails. shrug

looseTman said

Steepster Lite – “Looks great! Less filling!” ;-)

Cheri select said

I laughed out loud at this comment. So true!

looseTman said

Cool! We all need a good laugh.
Currently, dashboard notices are working! Progress! Yay Jason!

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Denny said

I’m just drinking double the amount I usually do.

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Not really, but I might review more teas at once.

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Nope, I still put in my reviews. They go into the abyss for now, but after it’ll be posted anyways, I’m not worried.

Lurking around the Steepster Chat room helps though if you want to talk tea now – can talk about what you are drinking with the rest of us!

Cwyn said

My Dashboard is not really working but I am on IPad. Where is the chat room?

Yeah, what steepster chat room, & where?

looseTman said

Pinned at very top of discussion list.

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Nope, the weather and seasons do that. I just miss seeing regular updates in the forum and for notes :/

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Ubacat said

No, it hasn’t. I’ve still been leaving reviews. It all gets updated eventually.

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