@Jason: UPDATE on STEEPSTER's situation?
Hi Jason,
Steepster has been frozen for many hours each day.
What is the status with the workers? What is the long-term solution? Do you have the necessary resources? When will the web site issues be fully resolved? Thank you!
Hard to say at this point, but thanks again for your patience.
For the workers, we have yet to track down the specific cause for this consistent failure. We using a hosting system called Heroku to make our hosting process easier (supposed to replace the need for a dedicated systems administrator), but they have increasingly made it difficult to diagnose problems and resolve issues quickly. We are looking to move off of them, but that could take some time because the process is fairly complicated and time consuming.
I can’t say a specific time that these issues will be resolved (it largely depends on us being able to diagnose where the failure is) but it is one of the top priorities for Mike. Then later, once we’re able to move off Heroku, we’ll (hopefully) at least be able to diagnose and react more quickly to issues.
Sorry I don’t have more info right now.
Have you considered consulting with a company such as http://www.americaneagle.com/ for a more time-efficient solution to the chronic dashboard / worker / Heroku website issues?
We appreciate all you guys do! This is obviously a difficult problem. We know you are working hard on this issue. We just miss all our little buddies. Thanks for all your effort and hard work!
I’d like to also chime in here!
Thanks Jason, Mike, & anybody else for all you guys do. I know this is a frustrating situation, but I’m sure you know that we all love & appreciate you & this site. I’m made so many wonderful friends here, & learned so much more about tea than I thought I’d ever know :)
Thanks, hang in there, & know that we are sending good vibes to support you while you get this all figured out :)
So I’m not sure if this is a side effect of the entire site being wonky, a bug that’s unrelated to that, or something that’s already an established problem and I just missed the memo, but my cupboard refuses to be sorted. I’ve tried all the different selections and can’t find a rime or reason to the current sort order. It’s all kinda, there. >>;
I wasn’t sure where to point this out and figured this was as good a place as any….unless someone can direct me to the ‘site bugs’ topic I vaguely remember being around at one point. Lol.
Same here. I can add, remove, and log teas, but that’s it. That’s pretty much all I do any more anyway, so it took me a while to notice. But I’d like to be able to sort my cupboard at least.
Explore tab is laggy. Currently it hasn’t moved in over an hour. :(
I can’t actually post responses in tasting notes of certain people. IE. Nothing i comment on Cavocorax’s tasting notes will post, but i can post on other people’s tasting notes.
June 30th I emailed Steepster about this same issue. I couldn’t post a comment to one of Scribble’s reviews.
What I’ve also noticed for sometime is that nearly every time I publish a note, the amount of ounces decreases by one. I put 8, it comes out 7. Or 5 instead of 6.
Main Discussion page doesn’t seem to load.
I just e-mailed Jason in case no-one else had. We can get to specific topics, but not discussions in general. Poor Steepster.
2 days ago I mentioned in the Spammer thread:
Note: Tonight, clicking on the Newly Added and a number of the Type links on the Teaware page resulted in a black error message page: “Nothing to see here …””
Yesterday & today, site navigation has deteriorated further. I also have no access to the Main Discussion page: “Oops. Someone forgot to turn off the kettle…”
Combine the above with a dashboard that’s frozen for several hours at a time and Steepster is nearly non-functional.
In it’s present state, Steepster is probably not too appealing to visitors and newer members may become impatient and move on to some other website that is not as frustrating to use.
What other technical support resources are available to you to resolve the website issues?
Am I imagining this, or has this site been basically dysfunctional for something like a month?
I am confirming that I also see the main discussion page as being down. Might be another cache issue as the second page is accessible (http://steepster.com/discuss?page=2) so it could be just the cache for the first page. Making this top priority.
I’ve also seen more people reporting an inability to post replies/comments in threads and tasting notes. We haven’t been able to recreate these yet, but will continue looking into it. It’s possible these are a side effect of the workers crashing.
The dashboard is still tied to the workers crashing, so until that is resolved it’s likely to get stuck and I’ll do my best to stay on top of resetting it.
Sorry again to everyone :(
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