@Jason: UPDATE on STEEPSTER's situation?
the only way to communicate is to go Explore and browse tasting notes at the bottom of the page. Thank you TTF, you are a lifesafer.
Any news on when the dashboard will work again. I can see other peoples notes through the Explore tab as Tea Fairy suggested, but half the fun is being able to comment back and forth. Communication is Steepster’s great strength.
Hey guys, thanks for being so patient. As other have mentioned, we recently added a new server that has been having problems. Things should generally be back to normal now though. You can also check for our status on Facebook/Twitter as I usually post them there, but I’ll also try to be better about updating the forum with status too. Otherwise, if you see any specific problems feel free to email [email protected] and I’ll try to get to the asap.
I know you only posted this recently, but despite logging out and back in, nothing is moving for me on dashboard or forums for 19+ hours.
EDIT: Or it’s slowly coming through. Patience.
We just restarted the dashboard, so that should be back and you’ll probably get a bunch of email notifications at once. Just FYI, the dashboard updating issue is unrelated to the server issue we were experiencing.
I’m sure you know this, but it seems like my dashboard re-froze and also the forums didn’t start working (for me at least).
Uniquity, I too have the forums ‘stuck’ I tried clearing my cache to see if it was a problem on my end with no luck. So you are not alone in that department!
I am still having some forum problems, the first page has not updated but it seems like the second page is updating.
I saw someone mention making a shirt for Steepster to sell to make them more money and keep the site running, so I designed the first thing that came to mind ;-)
Very creative!
How about something other than (funeral) black? Perhaps a bold bright eye-catching color? Maybe a bright copper (like the color of tea)?
Haha, it’s cool ;-) As long as it gets back to normal eventually!
Again, it unfroze and went right back to frozen status…miss my Steepster, going through Steepster withdrawal :-(
I got back, and… nope. I might have to start posting my reviews on FB, confusing all my local friends. :D
Yeah it is getting to be a bit of a drag around here. Either nobody is posting or we can’t see what has been posted.
that’s funny u mention a tea blog, i was almost thinking of starting one because i was getting so antsy lol…
necessity (or frustration) is the mother of invention ;p
in the meantime i’m camping out at the Oolong Owl & perusing Hapatite
There’s also: A Tea Addict’s Journal, In My cup, Tea & Incense, SorriTea Sisters, TeaChat, TeaViews The Everday Tea Blog, etc. ….
How long can Steepster be non-functional before people give up and move on to something else?
Oh Jason!!! Where art thou???
Can you give your members just a little hope this morning please?
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