Even Explore is stuck at 19 hours ago for me. I’m now going through the “new tasting notes” link.
Ya, that’s the link I’ve been following. At least we have that!
Steepster Lite – “Looks great! Less filling!” ;-)
I keep getting email notifications for old comments.
Me too. I wish they’d just roll back all changes. I miss Steepster. :(
Would a roll back in changes erase our most recent tasting notes?
Yeah, lots of those here, too.
I keep getting notices and e-mails for a discussion thread that I tried to unsubscribe to.
ChAroma, in the top right of the discussion page is the bell say subscribed or click to subscribe?
@Jason, it seems to be fixed now. This is what was happening before: I’d click unsubscribe and the bell goes dark. Then if I refresh the page, the bell is lit up again. It doesn’t matter how many times I try to unsubscribe, it doesn’t work. (But like I said, it appears to be fixed now).
The discussion board still looks wonky but my dashboard is working y’all!!!
Hope it’s the same for all of you sweet people :-)
….and it’s back to frozen. Steepster: stop teasing us. It’s a cruel game you are playing.
Yeah, stop toying with my emotions! :p
And for how many days? …….
It seems “fine” for me now ("" because I don’t want to jinx…)
Wow, KiwiD… I’m so jelly. The forums moved recently, but my dashboard has been stuck for hours.
Uhhhhhhhh I change my mind >_>
What is the status of the Steepster message system?
Does it consitently update at least once a day?
Hi all,
Sorry again for the inconsistency. We’re now experiencing an issue where our “workers” (the programs that run all of the background tasks of updating content, activity, etc) are crashing on a pretty consistent basis. This is why you get some updates, but then they stop again so frequently. We’ve reverted back and removed the recent server update, and have tried a few things to fix this, but no luck yet.
To deal with it until we have the issue fixed, I’m trying to keep a watch on the workers and manually reset them when they crash, which usually clears out the queue of activity. This was difficult over the weekend since I was out of town without reception, but I’ll do my best to stay on top if this. It might be a little difficult outside of regular-ish work hours so we appreciate any and all patience :).
I’ll also do my best to keep everyone updated. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the update, Jason. Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be when processes like that aren’t working as they’re supposed to.
I’m definitely patient, as long as Steepster doesn’t disappear from my life entirely! Thanks for your hard work!
Any idea when reviews will start showing up on company pages?
It looks like the activity is current, so as far as I know they should all be there. I’m guessing you’re asking about reviews on your company page? If so, do you know (or have links for) the tasting notes you expect to see there but aren’t?
Anyone else still having issues with updates? For examples the discussion forums seem to be stuck for me, but then I can manual update by filtering by new posts, and then back to new replies. But if I navigate off the page, when I return it’s back to being stuck some 25 hrs ago.
Yes everything’s stuck for me
It seems like everything ‘releases’ in the forums once a day or so. My dashboard releases a couple times a day, at the moment. Definitely still major issues so you’re not alone! :)
Everytime it refreshes for me, it freezes back a few minutes later. So, yes, I’m assuming it’s the same for everyone, sadly…
The issue with the workers hasn’t been resolved yet, so you’ll still find times where things aren’t updating. I’m trying to keep an eye on it, but I don’t always catch it immediately. Best thing to do at this point if you notice it hasn’t updated in a while is to email me directly, because I’ll get those. If you post in the discussion I won’t actually get the email notice because that is one of the activities that gets stuck.
Clearly you need Oompa Loompas.
God, I check Steepster way more often than the creator of Steepster. I think I need to stop. Good luck Jason!
The Dashboard is working for me but the discussions are not. I created a new discussion and it only shows up with a search? No one will see it.
Allan, A day ago in this thread, Jason recommended we email him about site issues. (See above.)
Is this the one you created? http://steepster.com/discuss/9183-tea-presentation-vessels
If so, it’s probably a cache thing since I’m seeing it on the front page (page 1 of discussions wasn’t cached for me). Let me know.
Hi Jason. I just posted to the Share Your Orders thread and it disappeared from the list of discussion threads afterwards. I searched for it but couldn’t find it. Just thought you should know.
Thanks, Marzipan! It seems to be back now on the second page. I really hope Jason can fix the discussions page updates…still messed up.
Hi Jason,
Major issue here. My tasting notes aren’t appearing. I know I had written a note for a particular tea, but it was nowhere to be found on the site. I went through all the existing tasting notes twice to be sure. But there was nothing by me so I wrote a new note. When I clicked submit to post it, up popped my old note! I went back through all the tasting notes for that tea, and my old note was there but not the new one I had just posted! I went to the Dashboard and didn’t see either note. Then I went to my tealog and could find both of them. So I have no idea what’s going on…
Hmm, sounds like another cache thing. One of the things the background processes do is breaking the cache, so that when new content is submitted you see it show up. But with those not working consistently, it’s possible you’re seeing an old cache. We’ll check to see if those are related.
I’m not sure if this is related at all or if others have had this issue, but my tasting notes won’t save. It just says “saving” for a long time (ten minutes or more) and never finishes. Then when I refresh the page, it has not saved at all, but my tealog reads that I drank the tea (but the note is not saved). Has anyone else had this issue?
Michelle, I’ve had this issue a few times, but it’s not common for me. Maybe one out of every five notes or so?
@Jason, hmmm. For what it’s worth, I tried clearing my cache. When I went to the tea note page that’s been giving me issues (DAVIDsTEA Big Apple), there was a button that said “Show 1 more.” However, I have 3 notes total. When I clicked it, 2 additional notes showed up. But if I delete one of the 3 notes, the “Show 1 more” button disappears and I can only see one note, which oddly isn’t even the most recent one. So there’s still some kind of strange thing going on here.
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