That’s good-it makes a big difference. It takes a while to find something that resonates with you though, I think.
Agreed. If you have an opportunity to try different practice areas, I think its a good thing to do. Even ones you wouldn’t think you’d like. You might be surprised.
I like this post:)
Let’s see, my name is Abby. I was born and raised in New Orleans, and currently live in Las Vegas. I am 19, I am a student double majoring in Biology and Business, I have a concentration on going to Grad school. If I’m not in class, I’m usually at work. I have two jobs, I work for Venetian/Palazzo, which is a casino out here in Vegas,a s a PR coordinator. I also have been working at Lush Cosmetics for 4 years, I am currently the Training Liasion. I will tell you that I’m always at work, and honestly I love both of my jobs! Though I would love to get a PhD to guide and help others. I would love to do bioinformatics yet possibly even be a chemist and make beauty products lol. I use to, and every so often, I do motivation speaking to high school students, and coordinate leadership conferences. I too love Disney!! Lol. I’m going to Disney World in May and is one of the reasons why I haven’t been splurging on teas. Though I am questioning on how I will make my teas there. Lol. My hobbies are probably: makeup, video games (final fantasy), silks aerial work, eating, and relaxing. I love all types of music! My favorite type would be R&B but it am currently listening to indie. I also love edc, classical, country, rap, and rock. Though the one I cannot listen to is metal, screamo, and possibly top hits. I am also grateful that this year I will be attending Coachella and many more music festivals! To conclude everything, right now, I’m at work, drinking a milk oolong from Davids, listening to Lana Del Rey, typing away on steepster, and about to put on make up because I have a conference in an hour. That pretty sums up everything about me right? Lol.
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