Let’s see. I’m 28, engaged to be married to my best friend, and live in the KW area in Southern Ontario. I’m also blind, and come complete with a guide dog and a computer with speech software. As it happens, my fiancé is also blind, and our dogs are half brothers! (brothers from another mother LOL). We’re both also musicians, although he’s more of one than I am, as he works as a music therapist with people who have alzheimers. I just sing because I enjoy it, and we try and have a wine and music night every Friday when we can. I’m also an avid reader, and although I enjoy writing, I’ve never been creative enough to really do anything but academic writing, which used to be inspiring and now just isn’t. I work in the legal profession, although I can’t say with any degree of certainty that I chose my career path wisely or that I belong here, although I imagine that will make itself clear in time. I’m also into perfume, which often doesn’t shock people because a) blind people love smelling things, generally speaking; and b) a lot of tea fanatics are also drawn to fragrances.
That’s abou tit for now. I already feel as htough I’ve said too much because of how public these boards are, but it’s not as though I’ve said anything jaw-drop worthy either LOL.
We are the same age :) It is so wonderful that you are marrying your best friend!!!
Your story reminds of the book I just finished (literally within the hour), ‘The Art of hearing heartbeats’, about a boy who loses his sight and his others senses take over.
I hear you on the questioning of a legal career path. I was pushed into a profession by my father though he wanted me to be a doctor rather than a lawyer. I like the thinking and problem solving and of course the writing but as an introvert I find the politics really not to my liking.
Lol to this: “come complete with a guide dog and a computer with speech software.” I almost expected you to say that batteries aren’t included.
“Blind people like smelling things”
So that’s actually true, then?! I knew a guy in undergrad that was 100% blind (he had non-functioning eyeballs and wasn’t a candidate for an eye transplant because I also think his optic nerves were damaged) and I used to call him my “dog human friend”. He was ALWAYS smelling things, and always seemed to be doing those quick-inhales you associate with dogs sniffing the ground. He would know exactly who was in the room before they even spoke just based on the smells he could pick up. I didn’t know if he was “special” in his crazy smelling abilities (and his constant sniffing), or whether that’s something that the majority of blind people do. I must admit…I don’t have many blind friends in real life, and I haven’t had a single blind student in the last 7 years.
Nice to meet y’all! It’s fun to hear where others are from, and about!
I’m living in South Korea currently, working as a University professor. I am certainly what you would call a restless spirit, I’ve lived in four countries, and travelled to countless more.
I am in a long distance relationship, and that’s not going to change any time soon. He lives in a very small town in Canada, and it is my version of hell!
Is anybody else here in Asia??
It’s great to meet you guys, also!
That sounds like an interesting book. While I would never suggest that my other senses are in any way superior to those belonging to a sighted person, I’d say that they’re probably more trained simply because I rely on them more often. Put me at an intersection and I can analyze the traffic patterns by listening to the organization of the traffic, and ask a sighted person to close his or her eyes and do the same thing and they all feel something akin to terror. But it’s entirely 100% because they haven’t had training and experience—well that, and I won’t lie—I’m always terrified that the end of my days will be experienced under the wheels of some obnoxious truck!
That’s great that you’re such a traveler, although I bet being far away from your partner sucks like nothing else (Mr. Keychange and I were about seven hours apart when I went off to school, and that was bad enough!). do you plan to see one another soon? How long do you guys plan on doing the distance thing?
Ugg yeah, my husband and I were long distance until we got married – I was in Canada and he was in the US, a 2.5 hour plane ride apart. Canada / South Korea must be pretty annoying to deal with from the time difference!
But oooo, you get access to Korean teas and delicious food!
Hello, I’m Jenn ;) I am married to my best friend in all the world and we have two kids, a boy (7) and a girl (4). My husband and I both love SF/Fantasy books and read most of the same authors, a lot of JRR Tolkien, David Weber, Brian Jacques, John Ringo, and Anne McCaffery (and ug, I just realized three of those five are deceased). Recently we joined the Society for Creative Anachronism (or SCA) and have been having lots of fun researching period clothing, names, crafts, and organizing a brand new canton. Go big or go home, right?
Besides tea my other passions are books, teaware, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfume oils, nail polish/nail art, and photography. Favorite colors are orange and purple; favorite critters are dragons, red pandas, cats, and otters. My hobbies include but are not limited to: drawing, computer graphics, a little bit of hand-sewing, jewelry crafting, and custom My Little Ponies. Nail art isn’t a hobby, it is my career. Or at least I’m trying to work more nail art into my seasonal nail technician job. My goal it to be a traveling nail tech and go to people’s homes to do manicures for them there. Oh, and sell my nail polish creations; yes, I’ve created an 8 polish collection that is completely tea-themed.
I live next to the north-easternmost National Park in the US and love to get out and spend time there (dodging tourists). My camera always travels with me (Nikon D40 DSLR) and I take pretty good photos if I do say so myself. While I love family trips into the park, I really love packing some tea and a book with me and spending an hour or two in the park by myself.
@Jenn-cha BLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB!!!!! Sorry for hollering – but I never come across anyone who knows about BPAL. Much like tea, it is its own addiction. I have a ridiculous order on the way.
And also: red pandas, otters, adorable hopping lemurs and baby sloths, snuggly precious baby sloths. And all the dogs.
Mem: I’ll get some photos and post them :)
MzPriss – OMGosh it really is! I’ve only been ordering for a little over a year and my collection is already huge. Must. Smell. All. The. Things. I usually order from people on the forums though, easier on the budget XD
I had no idea I could order from people on the forums. I’ve checked Amazon and they have some but they are $2 more. Do you look on the forums on BPAL site?
Yes, there’s an independently run fan forum with a large sale and swap section. Ebay is also a good place to find past limited edition scents. If you want to order a ton of general catalog imps definitely go to the forum. People sell GC imps for $2.50 or less each which makes it a really budget-friendly way to try tons of stuff and figure out which notes you like.
Oh wow! Thank you so much – I really appreciate that info. I just ordered sigh 15 imps . I’m heading to that forum right now.
Another Black Phoenix Fan here. Well of the website, have not been able to afford to buy anything yet. I noticed there are some BPAL sellers on Etsy, could they be any cheaper? I did not see the forum (Just looked.)
And yay to otters, along with all kinds of cats and owls, I like otters as well. Both Sea and River Otters though have a slight preference for River ones.@Lynxiebrat – I’m usually only able to afford the imps. But on the forum that Jenn-cha posted above – they sell imps for pretty cheap and you can try stuff…
@Linxie – Definitely check out the forums! There is also a Wanted section where you can post a list of things that you are looking to try or in search of (ISO). I have had so many people message me with offers to sell me items from my ISO list.
LOL! I prefer river otters as well XD
I will have to check that out, though Food, Tea, Books,craft supplies take precedence over anything else. (Luckily for me, my Dad helps me out with gas and car repairs, and has promised to continue that when I move.) And when I am able to get an apartment then the list will be: Rent,Food, Other bills not included with rent, Tea, Books, Craft Supplies. LOL. But I’m sure that I will be able to afford to buy some in the next year. Already bookmarked the forum after I found it! Got my sweetie to look at it, and he’s intrigued…
Name: Bonnie
Age: 21
I’m a Colorado transplant from New York State. I’ve been loving the mid-west so far. I started out here in Colorado working for a local dispensary, but things ended less than favorably. I’m now working for “one of the worlds greatest technology companies” and I can’t say much more than that. I do customer support which is tiring. However I work at home, which gives me ample time to drink lots, and lots of tea. I have a boyfriend with whom I am madly in love. We have been dating for a little over 2 years at this point. He’s wonderful, and supportive, everything I could ask for.
As you could have guessed, working for a dispensary, I am a medical marijuana patient. I suffer from a couple ailments with which it helps. I spend a lot of time pairing my strains with my teas, for the most enticing flavors and combinations.
I first signed up for Steepster about 4 years ago, when I started working for my local Teavana store in upstate NY. At the time, I wasn’t super active on the internet, so I just kind of made an account to read all your lovely reviews. Now, years later, I’m back to actually participate a little more.
Oh wow, I like this thread. Thanks for starting in jump62359
There is a general into thread for new users somewhere around here, but its nice to encourage people to open up a bit more than just a Hi, Im new here! statement :)
I still mean to go back and read all the other posts here, but I read the OP post. Thats awesome that you love Disney. So do I! Im not as openly obsessed over it as I used to be, but the love is still there. My husband used to work for Disney world as a costume character (I think he was Donald, and maybe some others, I can’t remember). He hated it. He said working there made it loose the magic appeal, but then, it could be that costume character work is not the fun part. haha. I still love Disney and I asked him to take me to Disney World (since he lived in Florida when I met him and I was visiting him there) and he did despite his own dislike. I also went to Disney land as a much younger kid too.
Well enough about Disney, and more about me! lol
Im 31 (yikes, I don’t like to admit it). Fortunately most people think Im still young 20s. I think its just cause Im still a college student, still dress like one and act like one (Ive been in college since I was 17 taking only 2 nonconsecutive years off). I have degrees in physics and english and should have one in German this semester, but Ill be three credits shot because my current university sucks and doesn’t care about its students (a rant for another day). I have applied for grad school in Comparative literature and I’ll be finding out if Im accepted in the next couple of weeks. I applied at UofWashington and UofColorado. My husband is in his last semester of law school and will hopefully find employment in the same place I go to school :)
Other quick trivia:
I have Aspbergers
I hate Summer
I don’t like Iced tea or Iced coffee (a connection to dislike of summer maybe)
I drink water, tea, and black coffee exclusively (I never touch a can of soda pop).
I have three cavalier king charles and one cocker spaniel
I have three cats
Favorite music: an assortment of goth genres (darkwave, goth rock, futurepop, etc.); alternative, classic rock, old-school R&B, Michael Jackson.
i hate summer too! i should move, sigh.
BTW, i visited wyoming for the first time ever last summer on a cross-country road trip to a bunch of faraway friends’ weddings. oh my gosh, it is STUNNING. idaho amazed me too.
Parts of Wyoming are nice, but I miss Montana. That’s where the real stunning territory is! I wish I could go back. Someday, maybe.
Waving hi to all y’all.
I live in Austin, Texas – in the best part – SOUTH Austin. I have a sweet little house that I love. I am very fortunate to have a huge back yard with lots of space for my dogs and a garden.
I love my critters, yoga, cooking, tea, gardening, perfume and other general hedonistic things.
Love spending time in my porch swing with a great pot of tea, a book and my dogs.
I also love to travel and am fortunate that I get to do a fair amount.
I first came to Steepster about 4 years ago, got really busy and neglected it, but have jumped back in as I am going through mad tea love again.
I love all kinds of music – but especially American electric guitar based roots, country, soul, punk, funk, r&b…..
My dogs are rescues – shout out to Austin Pets Alive!
I love to try new restaurants (and ice cream/gelato places) and to spend time outside.
I grew up in Texas and went to college at UT Austin many moons ago. (Proud to be a… drum roll… Tea Sip!) I haven’t been back in years—I’m told I wouldn’t recognize it now. I loved it, though. Some day I’ll get back there.
Hm. Things worth sharing about myself…
I turned 30 yesterday. Woot! Birthdays.
I’m currently completing my PhD in Biology (5 months left!). I study mushrooms (hence the display pic) and plants. I have a blog about plants that I haven’t posted in FOREVER because I’ve been overwhelmingly busy. I also used to co-teach a course about Ethnobotany.
Aside from my official duties with the University, I volunteer with a not-for-profit organization called ReForest London, teaching people about trees and why nature is important in cities. I give talks for community groups, schools, businesses, etc. and talk to them about native trees in the London area, as well as London’s natural history. Last week I started a nature awareness 4-week program with a low income group of teens at another local not-for-profit which will eventually lead into a massive reforestation project of a nearby abandoned lot.
In my spare time (what’s that?!) I knit and sometimes paint. I have a soft spot for pink and/or sparkly.
I’ve traveled quite a bit, some for work and some for pleasure. I’ve been to Alaska (amongst other more “normal” places in the US like California, Florida, N and S Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, etc.), Japan, Cuba (x6), Dominian (x2), Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica (x2), and Puerto Rico. I have yet to venture to Europe, Africa, or the Australian continent. Yay travel.
I like animals. And by “like” I mean…my dream is to become THAT crazy cat lady. No shame. While growing up I’ve only had two animals, both were cats. I guess that’s maybe where I get my “crazy cat lady” dream :) I like dogs, too…I wouldn’t mind 10 or 15 dogs either. Can you tell I’m going to own a farm? :) Oh, and ducks. And chinchillas. And bunnies. And goats. And sheep. I likes me a “zoo” (minus the wacky exotic animals that have no business being pets).
And…that’s me in a nutshell.
Why thank you :) It was a fun evening of wine-drinking out of mushroom-painted wine glasses, while watching Disney movies. We’re a wild and crazy bunch, we are. (or something)
I love the mushrooms in your picture. And the idea of mushroom-painted wine glasses.
The Australian continent is… just Australia ;) also snaps for thirty year olds! I’m so glad to be 30.
@Mem: so what continent do New Zealand, Tasmania, Tahiti, Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, etc. belong to? The Pacific Ocean continent? Some people call it Oceania, others just call it Australia…I wasn’t referring to just that country.
@scribbles & MzPriss: thanks! :) Feels weird to be older than my grandma (she’s “Forever 29”)
Oh, I got schooled today! I honestly thought that the continents were just the larger land masses without including surrounding islands. I didn’t realise “the Australian contentinent” was another term for Oceania! We also get “Asia-Pacific” a lot :)
I haven’t heard it referred to as Oceania in forever, but I didn’t want to be all “or Australia!” and have someone from New Zealand come along and be like “WHAT ABOUT US, YOU JERK?! WE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?!”
Haha this is like my trials over describing my Christmas holiday. I went to Quebec City and NYC, and kept saying, “yeah I’m going to the USA… uh I mean North America”. SORRY QUEBEC YOU ARE GREAT.
Definitely don’t lump Canada with the US… unless you want some passive aggression from Canadians! We’re huge too!
morgana, I hear you about introversion really getting in the way of enjoying a career in the legal profession (or rather, I’d say the politics get in the way—go introverts!). It just upsets me that I’m basically building a career that hinges upon me and my colleagues undermining one another; something about that just doesn’t make me feel triumphant, or as if I’m really contributing to the world (and I don’t mean it in the sweeping sense; I just mean my tiny little corner of it). But I’m only in the beginning stages, and still have a lot of sorting out to do, but still find it quite exhausting on so many levels already.
I’m sorry, but that sounds like THE WORST job on the planet. The only way you succeed in your job is by throwing someone else under the bus or making them look worse than you? That’s a recipe for a deep, dark spiral into depression. Some labs are “built” like that here and I would rather be homeless and jobless than work in a place like that. What ever happened to building each other up and working hard to do better, to be better, than someone else?! Someone sabotaged my experiment once to make themself look better (it was a shared equipment room, and I was being the most productive, apparently). I. LOST. IT. Apparently the reason why he quit grad school was because he thought I might jump him in a dark alley. (whispers I was so mad I might have) That is the kind of stuff I don’t tolerate in a working environment.
Now I’m ranting again.
It shouldn’t be that way, keychange, and the good news is that not everywhere is like that (though most places except the very smallest ones have at least one or two people like that). I’ve always felt that the more smart, capable colleagues I have, the better and most of the people I know feel the same way.
I don’t know that it would amount to “throwing someone else under the bus”, so much as it’s presenting your case in the best possible light with the information and legal concepts available. No one is trying to get anyone else fired or demoted, but yes, the justice system is by its nature an adversarial one. The level of acrimony obviously differs by jurisdiction, area of the law, etc.—we are (thankfully) moving towards having more and more matters settle and not go to trial.
keychange, ah, now that’s something I’ve never had a problem with (presenting a case in the best possible light), but then these days I do mostly transactional work which can still be adversarial but is also usually cooperative on some level.
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