DAVIDsTEA - Spring Collection?

156 Replies
keychange said

I also want the perfect mug with the whale on the inside…but I was like seriously? do you need two mugs?

OMGsrsly said

Umm… Yes. ;)

Uniquity said

There is a whale on the INSIDE?!

Courtney said

That’s my favourite thing about the Perfect mugs. I have one with seagulls, one with elephants, and now one with whales. I have a thing for the one wee animal on the inside of the mug.

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Tealizzy said

You guys are killing me! I have to wait until tomorrow, at like 1pm, before I can make my way over. Aaaahhhh! ;)

Oh, and keychange, I totally want two mugs too! We’ll see how frugal I feel tomorrow!

keychange said

Get two mugs! Otherwise you’ll just go home and think about the mug you didn’t get! LOL

keychange said

I know! I definitely need two mugs! aaahhh I’m going back.

Tealizzy said

Lol! Okay, I’ll do it! ;)

OMGsrsly said

Do it! :D I think I need another mug too.

Tealizzy said

I did it! I got both the color-changing whale and the multicolor starfish Nordic mugs!!! Wheeeeeeeee! Love them! Only thing I didn’t know was that you kinda have to baby the color-changing mugs (no microwave, etc.), but that’s okay, cuz it’s awesome! Can’t wait to try it out! I also picked up 1 oz. peaches & cream, 1 oz. cool cucumber, and 1/2 oz. of the grape tea. I wasn’t originally going to get any of the grape tea, but it smelled awesome, and they told me it’s clean and crisp tasting….we’ll see. I got to taste both of the other two in store. The cool cucumber was iced, and it’s amazing! It smells a lot like spearmint, but tastes exactly like fresh cucumber! :)

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Tamarindel said

Am I crazy or did the price of everything go up just a bit? Oh well, I guess that’s normal.

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Rebecca said

I definitely felt that the Grape Expectations smelt A LOT better then it tasted. The lady I bought it form at DT says she usually uses a ton of sweetener in her teas but for this one she didn’t need to use as much. I usually drink my teas black and don’t add anything and I found it very bitter and not very sweet at all. I also steeped it for the correct time and even added a small amount of cold water so I didn’t burn the leaves or anything.. Very strange.

keychange said

Noooooo!! Don’t say that! :(
I’m so excited to try it. I hope you like it better hot…or that it was a one-off.

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David’s was seriously the first thing I looked at the second I woke up this morning!
Aww the entire site is SO CUTE.
I don’t know how I feel about the teas though, some definitely sound a lot better than others, but they all seem pretty good! Luckily I’ll be flying home in a couple weeks and that means I’ll be closer to a DAVIDs and I can smell it all :)
I actually feel lucky we even have a couple stores in California okay. Even though it’s a 7-hour drive or an hour long flight, it’s better than nothing!
So stoked to take a trip into the city and splurge hehe :)

((and then my best friend from Canada just sends me snaps of herself getting free tea from DAVIDs because it’s like right across the street for her))

keychange said

Totally off topic, but can I just say how much I love the fact that you will randomly insert the word “ok” all over your posts and I think it’s the best thing ever.

Oh gosh ALL my friends point that out okay.
Like.. I’M FROM CALIFORNIA. Northern California to be exact and… it’s super easy to know if I’m talking because I type the way I talk on all these social media platforms.
Trust me, if we talked irl, I wouldn’t even realize how many okays and likes slip through! At least I sometimes try to edit them out hhaha.

TeaLady441 said

Ahahahahah. (It’s ok. It doesn’t help that you’re put on the spot. :P) It’s just what we do, eh?

Ana said

A fellow Northern Californian! Let me just drop a ‘hella’ in. :)

And an awesome. We still say awesome here. Like, hella all the time, okay?

Oh my gosh Morgana, you’re perf
Fun fact: I don’t say hella?? Dude, I don’t even know why. It’s really funny cuz all my friends in SoCal are all KYRA SAY HELLA YOU’RE FROM NORCAL and it just never comes out hahha

Lynxiebrat said

I used to say ‘like’ all the time in high school…I don’t think I’d want to know how times a day I’ve said that word then.

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keychange said

No no it’s totally fine! And believe me, we all probably say ‘like’ way more than we have to. Please don’t stop with the oks, though. They make you you. Well, not entirely, but you know haha.

I’ve had so many friends point it out and I’m just shhhh it is me and I shall not change haha.

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Kat said

Anyone tried the cucumber yet? I may take a trip downtown just to try it. We’ll see.

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Plunkybug said

I hope to go tomorrow to see the new stuff. I was kind of a shut in today. Initially, the new teas seemed unimpressive to me, but the more I look at them, the more some of them begin to appeal. So I’ll probably get 10-15g of each unless something is completely repulsive smelling, or something is completely amazing. Weight will also be a factor. Plus, I gotta see what the new tea ware looks like in person.

Ubacat said

That’s what I thought Amariel. I was unimpressed at first but now that I’m looking at the tea description, a few of them are looking quite good. I just spent $60.00 already at David’s tea to buy my Timolino, a cup from last year’s stock , and my lemon myrtle tea so I’m holding off on any new teas until I hear reviews. My cupboard is stocked.

Plunkybug said

I passed on Grape Expectations…it smelled like grape pop. I’m not a pop drinker. The other one I passed on, is Cool Cucumber, but mainly because I don’t think it is quite the right weather to be drinking it yet. I’ll pick some up or get a TTG with it when it is a bit warmer here. I got 15-20g of the rest.

Kat said

The cucumber is going to be amazing in about two months and iced. I kind of laughed a bit when I walked into the store out of the dark 30 degree weather, to be greeted with the bright new things, the bright teaware, and the very bright tasting tea. It’s way too cold out to be thinking about buying teaware with starfish on it! I love the cucumber tea, though.

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Uniquity said

Has anyone tried Blue Lagoon yet? That is the one really piquing my interest. I hope it’s as good as it sounds.

Sil select said

there’s a review on it… uh can’t remember who but it was in my feed today and now i want to try it haha

jaclyn said

Blue Lagoon was the only one I ended up buying. It smells better then it tastes but I have yet to try it iced, which is how I think it will really shine. Grape Expectations smelled too much like medicine for me and Peaches and Cream smelled a bit like play dough. I probably would love PomTango if I wasn’t allergic and Cool Cucumber just smelt off putting to me.

Memily said

ashleyelizabeth is a big fan! Her review was in my feed and made me super needy for it.

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TeaLady441 said

My package has shipped! It says expedited shipment, so… I wonder if there’s any chance it’ll be here tomorrow?

Probably not. /deflates/

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