Tea At Sea free samples offer finished
Thank you all for participating in our samples for reviews offer. We were all very happy that everyone liked the tea and our designs as well as the little cork boats.
The team
Tea At Sea
Hugely looking forward to the opportunity!! Email has been sent!
Thanks, Your samples are already packaged and will be shipped out tomorrow morning.
Tea At Sea
Wow! Amazing speed, talk about a way to hook customers!!! Looking forward to the samples, thanks again!!
Is there any tracking on the samples?? I haven’t seen any as of yet:( definitely still looking forward to them though!!
Josh, hopefully you will receive them soon. It often takes me 10-15 days to receive things from the States especially if they are sent from somewhere not close to an international airport. I imagine it’s probably the same the other way around.
Josh, I just received my sample yesterday. It looks like we requested samples about the same time. Hopefully yours will be coming soon.
Dear Josh,
We got 2 letters with samples returned to us by Canada-Post because of the paper packaging was damaged. My colleague repackaged them and sent them out again but I don’t know Who’s they were. We also received 1 more letter returned because of it was a bit overweight and the postage was insufficient. So, if you were one of those 3 people, you should receive the samples within this week. Terribly sorry for the delay and hope you receive the samples soon. We sent out a new sample today for your troubles, so you should receive another sample within next week.
Tea At Sea
Well, thank you for the compensation. I hope at no time did this intend to be a complaint. I am nothing but ecstatic about the customer service and speedy responses. I truly appreciate the help and look forward to reviewing your teas. Thank you again for this opportunity!
Unfortunately, again I apologize to say that I have yet to receive any samples in the mail:( is anyone else having this issue??
Dear Josh,
Our apologies for the inconvenience. Can you send your address again, perhaps there is a mistake there.
Sent you an email! Thanks for giving us folks this chance.
Thank You for participating, samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
Email on the way
Thank You for participating, samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
Email on the way. Looking forward to the opportunity.
Thank You for participating, samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
Email sent! Thanks for this awesome opportunity :)
Thank You for participating, samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
I am sending you an email now, thank you for the opportunity! Do you mind if I also blog about it?
Thank You for participating, I would love if you blog about it. Samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
Email sent…thank you so much for the opportunity, super exciting!
Thank You for participating, samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
nice! sent, and thanks!
Thank You for participating, samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
i did! and oh boy am i enjoying! one note of honest feedback: my little boy tried out the cork boat in his bath and it promptly flipped over and sank. please send a replacement.
(KIDDING! actually we were able to “sail” it for about a minute by gently blowing across the water. but once that sail got wet, it was no longer a seaworthy vessel)
oh yeah, AND i love your packaging design! i suggest t-shirts or stickers with the wheel and/or cork boat on. :) (ok so i want a sticker for my accordion case, is that so bad? and a t-shirt with a cork boat for my son!)
Hahaha, your post made my day. You should tell your boy that he can make a far better sailboat with a wooden matchbox, larger stick and a cloth sail. I used to make those all the time when I was a boy in the spring when the snow would melt and flow down the road into streams.
What an interesting idea! I’ll send an e-mail. Quite excited for this!
Thank You for participating, samples were sent out today. You should receive them within the week. Enjoy!
Sent you guys a message. :)
Thank you for emailing your address, your samples were sent out today. You should receive them this week or early next week. Enjoy!
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