Toronto Tea Festival 2014
There wasn’t another thread that I could see regarding this….
I just wanted to know if anyone is planning on attending this festival, or if you attended the last one and have anything to say about it? I don’t think tickets are available yet as they are still planning vendors, speakers, art/music, etc. but I imagine they will be soon.
This will be my first time going and I’m excited that they decided to make it an entire weekend event instead of just one day like before.
February 1 & 2, 2014…So…who’s all coming? And from where? :) I’m from Ontario, Canada and Toronto is just about a four hour drive from me!
I’ll be attending provided work doesn’t get in the way. I went last year and it was pretty decent considering it was the first year and they didn’t expect that many people to attend :) I’m here in Toronto currently, so not travelling from anywhere exciting haha
Excellent! Yes, I assumed they did a lot better than expected since they’re now making it a two day event. I hope everything works out & you can make it for sure :)
I’m planning on attending. I didn’t go to the one last year, so I don’t know what to expect. But am looking forward to this year’s event.
I will likely attend this year, as I did last. Much depends on who the speakers are, however.
Best wishes,
Kevin’s presentation was a gem. I was looking foward to Austin’s as well, but found that he rambled too much for my liking. But he gave an informal talk afterwards that I missed, but wished I had hung around for.
The rest of the presentations were of no interest to me.
Another highlight was meeting Joel from Capital Tea.
Best wishes,
We had a couple tables last year and I had an opportunity to do a talk to a PACKED hall about tea cocktails. Will definitely be exhibiting again this year and as part of the Tea Guild we’ll be having a meeting later this month to hash out some details, including guest speakers again. I’ve got a few ideas for talks ;)
Agreed that it was a better format to have it span a weekend. But to be fair it was our first year hosting the festival so we really didn’t expect that sort of turn out…we’ll be better prepared this year!
I’m glad you had such an amazing turn out from the first year. Can’t wait to see what you all will have planned for this year! :)
Last year, I really enjoyed the Guzheng performance. Always found it suitable for drinking tea.
I live in Buffalo, NY (less than 2 hours from T.O.) and I think (hope) a local tea shop is going to get a bus trip organized!
I’m thinking of taking the MegaBus from NYC.
We shall turn that “think” into you “know” you will take it from NYC to join ;)
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