I’ll be there, though perhaps as a volunteer :)
I’ll be going again this year, & seeing as I missed some speakers., I think I’ll be making it a two day event! :D
I wish I knew some people that would like to go to this.
Tickets are on sale now – early bird @ a discounted price
I will likely buy advance tickets, but will hold off until the program and speakers have been finalised.
Also, it would have been nice to have a reduced rate for 2 two-day ticket, rather than just double the price of a one-day ticket.
Best wishes,
Hi Sherubtse,
There is a $5 discount on a one day & 2 day pass: “Two Day Pass for Feb 1 & 2 (Saturday & Sunday)
Purchase tickets before January 20th for the $5 discounted price!
**Due to limited capacity and pre-sale of tickets, tickets may not be available at the door.”
Please see here again: http://teafestivaltoronto.com/tickets/
Thanks for the reply, Craig. I think you misunderstood my point, though.
I was lamenting the fact that there is no discount for purchsing a weekend/two-day ticket — just double the price of a one-day ticket.
Best wishes,
Yes you’re right. I did phone yesterday though (Mon Dec 23rd)& asked for a clarification as I was confused..
The lady I was talking to said the regular price for a one day ticket is $15. I just saw a few minutes ago that they now reworded the pricing columns.
Single Day Ticket for Feb 1 (Saturday)
Purchase tickets before January 20th for the discounted price! Regular price is $15.
**Due to limited capacity and pre-sale of tickets, tickets may not be available at the door. C $10.00
Single Day Ticket for Feb 2 (Sunday)
Purchase tickets before January 20th for the discounted price! Regular price is $15.
**Due to limited capacity and pre-sale of tickets, tickets may not be available at the door. C $10.00
Two Day Pass for Feb 1 & 2 (Saturday & Sunday)
Purchase tickets before January 20th for the discounted price! Regular price is $30.
**Due to limited capacity and pre-sale of tickets, tickets may not be available at the door. C $20.00
I really want to come but I’m on the west coast. I’ve never been to a tea festival before.
Is there a venue yet? I’m looking at hotel placement.
I believe it’s in the toronto reference library again which is at yonge and bloor. If you’re looking for a hotel there are a ton in the area, but it would be more economical to find a hotel on the subway line if you’re not opposed to public transit :)
I have a phobia about public transit actually, especially alone. I priced it out and now I have to see if I want to go $1100-1200 bad.
Nope, no money. When is the Vancouver one?
Was it the vancouver one or the victoria one that was cancelled?
The early bird price will end by tomorrow(Jan 20th),don’t miss it
Just bought my tickets! I hope there is a larger selection of puerh teas this year.
Which kind of Pu-er you are looking for? I will bring your suggestion to the festival committee, maybe they could pass this information to the vendors.
I’d like to see more sheng puerhs. Maybe some Yiwu, Jingmai, Bangwei, Nannuo or Bulang cakes? I felt like there was a lot of emphasis on blended teas last year and essentially none on puerhs.
This year, i think there is a vendor will have a booth for Pu-er, but if you like the ancient pu-er from these mountain, could you come to my place?
Note to self. Get passport by 2015.
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