Fall Themed Group SWAP! (Secret TURKEY!)

362 Replies
Vanitea said

Got my package from Ellyn the other day – I’ve since moved, so it may have taken a few days to get from my step-mom’s place to me. I’ll post pictures tonight, but I want to say thank you so much Ellyn! I tore into the popcorn immediately so unfortunately there will be no photographic evidence of that one…

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Ellyn select said

I’m so glad you got it! Yay!

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OMFG Vanitea went CRAZY on the swap package! It’s gorgeous!
Look at this card:
Look at this TEA!
Look at this haul!
Seriously amazed at the tins and the thoughtfulness of this parcel! Such a fun mail day today! Thank you! So gorgeous!

CelebriTEA said

I just got the David’d Tea package you sent me yesterday!
I was over the moon~definitely not expecting the lovely tin.
My new favorite tea is in! Thank you, Whiskey Buzz…fabulous package :-)

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CelebriTEA said

I am beyond thrilled to see you get such a fabulous package :-)
Love~Love~Love~ the art on the card ♡
The one tea looked something~ChunkyHeaven
And the haul~wow! wow! wow!
VaniTea you deserve some kind of award on THAT♡

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CelebriTEA said

What kind of teas are those?
(Such a pretty package)

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Hey everyone! I’m so so so sorry. I know the mail out day was scheduled for tomorrow but I’m pushing it to the 23 rd. I have been drowning in stress the past weeks. A lot of financial crisis’ came up and I will not be able to participate in this round :( however I am sending out everyone elses secret turkeys as we speak. I hope you all enjoy this last round and I can’t wait to see what everyone did for their last swaps! Make sure the first page is correct with your name in round three if you were planning on participating. If it isn’t PM me and I’ll fix it! Thank you!

ifjuly said

aw, i feel ya about financial stress (such a frustrating time of year for it too, ugh)—i actually had to cancel friend giftswapping for the first time in my life this year because of a freaky financial surprise (letter from the IRS about a mistake on our taxes from 2 years ago). i am really sorry you’re stressed out and hope things get better soon!

CelebriTEA said

So sorry to hear about your stress!
I have been drowning in stress myself, but a different variety.
I have been immersing myself in this site, making new friends,
trying to avoid dealing with some of it. I had a couple of melt downs today
and all I did was bawl my eyes out…I needed to let it out.
I have to say, I am so grateful for all the new friends here.
I hope you are relieved of this stress soon as the holidays are coming,
and you need to enjoy them…may God open the windows of Heaven
and pour overflowing blessings upon you <3

Katiek said

Awww, I’m sorry to hear about it being a difficult few weeks.

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Somebody will be getting a small package again. All I can do at the moment.

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CelebriTEA said
Dear Secret Turkey *
I sent my turkey 3 pkgs…I was kind of a moron.
The first package(box) I missed three samples so I sent those in a padded envelope.
Because I was trying to make sure it turned out nicely, I ordered a small
sampler from a lovely Tea Company. That last package, I sent using my daughter,
Amanda’s name because I had temp misplaced my card…lol…
You should probably figure it out by the time you have received package #1
Unless you receive the pkg from the Tea company first and then…you will likely figure it out…
I truly hope you like what I sent (sigh)
I just have a lot going on, but I am trying to do right by you, dear one ;-)

Package should arrive next Thursday November 28th

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RogersCK said

To my secret turkey, I apologize but I won’t be able to send the package until Monday, hope that is okay :( I will make sure it’s out by then though.

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Kaylee said

Alas, I too am guilty of the late mail out. BUT I sprang (sprung?) for the two day shipping, so it should still be there by Wednesday.

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