Steepsterites on Ravelry? (Crochet/Knitters?)
Anyone here on Ravelry? I just taught myself to knit, so it’d be great to meet up with people there and check out each other’s patterns, and whatnot.
(When I say taught, I mean I know the absolute basics, but am eager to learn more).
You can find me here:
And one day I will knit a tea pot warmer, and also a cat! (
Also, is Steepsterites correct? How do people refer to Steepster-peeps? :P
I’ve heard Steepsterites before. It seems fairly acceptable. :)
I’m on Ravelry! I’m also a self-taught knitter and crocheter, although one could argue that my husband taught me to knit (yes, you read that right! He taught me the basic stitch, but I learned on my own after that). Anyway, I mostly use Ravelry to get patterns, but I plan, after my baby is born, to use it to coordinate more with knitters in my area, just to meet some new people. They meet at a cafe in town, so it’s possible I may get some more tea drinking friends as well!
My username is MouseyLove, if you were curious. I have only one logged project… But I did finish it!
oh that is cool your husband knits! Mine learned how to knit years before he met me – he just did a scarf and the tension is all insane and changing everywhere! I showed him how to crochet and the similar thing happened, lol! I’m gonna show him how to sew pieces together so i can make obnoxious granny square blankets (or that famous beekeepers quilt) and make him do the dirty work of sewing it together!
That sounds like a great way to meet people! I’m terrible for getting out of the house (which is why I meet people through sites like this! :P) but I think would be a great way to learn, swap materials and socialize!
Are you planning lots of baby clothes? There are some pretty cute kids things out there, but I’ll have to learn crochet for the toys it seems.
I haven’t made any baby clothes YET, because we don’t know the gender of the baby, but I will DEFINITELY be knitting and crocheting up a storm after the kid is born! :) I have, however, discovered this adorable pattern for octopus toys that I’m currently having to dissuade myself from making a whole army of because they’re SO FRICKIN’ CUTE:
@Awkward Soul: The one and only thing that my husband ever knitted was a rug made of several spools of shredded t-shirt fabric. It’s actually a pretty hefty rug, and it’s in the rotation of rugs that we use in the kitchen. :) He’s rather proud of it, and he wants to get into more complicated projects, but he gets frustrated kind of easily… xD
I like Steepster-peeps. XD
I have an account on Ravelry (same name as here), though I haven’t been on it in awhile. Mostly I use it to search for patterns when I get the urge to use some of the plastic tubs of yarn I own. Which is embarrassing to admit now that I think about how much yarn I have. Lol.
I don’t even think I have any projects noted or even done there. One day…. Right now I’m in the middle of making a Cunning Hat (even though winter is almost over), planning a shawl for my Mom & I want to make a couple cozies for my teapots/mugs.
I always seem to have more planned than I can reasonably do in a respectable amount of time. Lol!
Yikes. Another person mentioning tubs of yarn. :O I guess this is a hobby that will invade a bit of space eh?
ugg yup yarn tubs. My yarn tub is like my tea collection. I have way too much, yet not enough of it!
Cavocorax – Yup. There’s always a new pretty yarn that it seems I must have, despite having more than enough prettyness at home. XD Currently I have 2 plastic storage tubs, 1 cardboard ‘paper’ box and a traveling bag with yarn and/or half finished projects. Lol!
As we have a tiny apartment, I have to restrict myself on how much yarn I can have… :( I have one storage ottoman that holds all my yarn, and I can’t have any more than will fit in that ottoman (which, to be fair, also holds my very dusty cross-stitching supplies AND all my knitting books, so it’s not just yarn, like I want it to be). The ottoman holds a good bit, but not as much as I’d like it to. I really do need to get to using some of the stuff that’s in it, though, so I can make room for moar. :3
Sure do! Mine is also my user name.. but I have been too busy with school to keep up with my crochet! I used to be a knitter too but it’s been a while. Something I would love to get back into though when I have time.
I usually just look at patterns to get a general sense as I’ve mostly been making circle scarfs, mittens, and hats/headbands. Soon I am planning on delving into an airy top or leg warmers – but those require time and attention. Both I don’t have right now.
Whats your most treasured creation as of late?
That makes sense! I can see it being hard to make time for knitting or chocheting unless you do it while you watch tv or something like that.
An airy top sounds like it would be fun to make!
I don’t have anything treasured as I just started, but I’m pretty happy with my sorta-scarf: It was too short because the yarn I was using was so thick, but it was for practice anyway. Next project I do, I’ll make sure I get the proper supplies beforehand.
I mostly use my Ravelry to sell patterns. And look up patterns too!
I do both crochet and knitting, but all the patterns I create are crochet – those cutesy amigurumi toy things. I actually got a brand new pattern coming out this week!
For knitting, I really like making lace. I knitted this shawl for my wedding last october it was full of hate doing that picot border. Came out amazing though!
I’m dying to start a brainless knitting project, like a simple lace shawl or socks, but I haven’t figured out what yet. I have TOO MUCH yarn, and every time I look up patterns to use X yarn in my stash, I see something else and think I should buy a different yarn instead. Arg!!
Wow – your patterns are adorable. I think the pirate octopus is my favorite, though I like the Silver Fox too.
I just started knitting about a week ago, but I’m interested in learning crochet too. It looks like you can make so many cute things with crochet.
That shawl is so pretty though. <3
Ha – I hope knitting doesn’t turn into another obsession where I need ALLTEHYARN because that would cut my tea budget. :O
My username on ravelry is hobbitgrrl, although I haven’t used it or even knit anything in a long time. A few years ago I knit a gorgeous intarsia hat… that was too small for me. I don’t know why really, but it kind of broke me and I haven’t gotten back into knitting since. I always look at my tubs of yarn and want to get back into it but I never have.
My username on Ravelry is jerseygirl. I crochet a lot, but I’m really bad about taking and posting photos of my finished items. I’m usually so happy to be passing it on to the intended recipient that I skip that step. :)
Yes, SimplyJenW over there. Pretty creative name, am I right? Actually, I was over there at Ravelry a few years before Steepster.
someday raritea will teach me to crochet…
So, I’m not a member of ravelry yet, but, am certainly going to be in the near future… but, am I the only one that had to try and think of what to call people on ravelry since there was the whole steepsterites thing here? I think ravelry users need to be called ravelrousers. :| nodnod
Thanks guys! I’ve added everyone who posted their username (or I meant to). Now I can creep all your fav’d patterns to get ideas! :O
Lol, creep away! I often add things to my favorites that just generally appeal to me, instead of things that I actually plan to make… xD Is that bad?
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