I was finally given an admin pencil, so the Steepster group on Ravelry – Steepsteristas – is fully functional again. The next time you’re over there stop by the group and talk tea and yarn with us!
For any Steepsterites that don’t check Rav (or the forums there) as often, there is currently a discussion about a mystery yarn and tea swap over there! If you’re interested, please come join!
I"m AnnaEA on Ravelry. Three cheers for the fiber arts!
People that love both yarn AND tea?! Are there really such people in this world? If so, why don’t I have more friends?!?! lol
ravelry.com/madametj also join my Random Acts of Kindness group if you are interested :)
I was trying to explain steepster to someone the other day, and heard myself say, ‘You know Ravelry – it’s like Ravelry but for tea.’
Except Ravelry is set up soooo much better.
LOL…yes would have to agree with that. But the setup here suffices.
Eh, I dunno. Ravelry’s a little older and has had more time to shake out the bugs. When I think about how Rav was in beta to how Steepster is currently, I think they’re pretty much on par.
Whaaat, really? Even in beta on Ravelry you could add photos to posts, we had the little agree/disagree/interesting buttons, you could opt to “mark as read” or “read later” the posts on a thread you commented on. Man I could go on and on…..
True, I wish we could like posts here. I was thinking of how often I saw errorBob early as compared to how often Steepster has crashed on me.
Hmm, well I was an early beta user and I can’t say I had that experience more than two or three times since what….06?
Last call for tea and yarn swap! PM me if you would like to join.
I’m AwesomeBioTA on Ravelry :)
I just taught myself to knit about two years ago, maybe a bit longer. My grandma had tried teaching me a few times when I was much younger (10 or so), but got too frustrated when I couldn’t hold the yarn “correctly” (according to her). I figured out that you don’t actually HAVE to tension yarn by wrapping it around your fingers in some ridiculous pattern, you can just…learn muscle memory. I can’t quite explain how I do it, but when “proper” knitters see me knit there’s usually the collective giggle and “WOAH. WATCH HER KNIT. HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?!” Works for me, so I don’t really care :) lol
I’ve finished quite a few projects; almost finished my first “real” sweater project right now (about 25 rows left!). Working on the infamous pinwheel sweater. lol. The armholes just about killed me! After finding the “after-thought method”, life is good.
My profile link: http://www.ravelry.com/people/AwesomeBioTA
I really like doing amigurumi because it’s normally pretty simple. Plus it’s fun to give little stuffies as gifts. I’ve made a few scarves, a doily, hats, and have plenty of projects I’d love to do. I do both crochet and knitting. I’m kara22 on Ravelry :)
awesome! I love doing amigurumi too, it’s simple yet cute. Though, it does test me at times when I need to make lots of little parts like limbs.
I am so excited to have found this thread! How lucky can a girl get finding out about other people who love both tea and knitting? I’m kithomps on Ravelry. I haven’t posted any pics on there yet, because I’m very technologically challenged. My teenage daughter will have to show me how. My favourite activity on Saturday nights is to sit and knit and watch mixed martial arts while sipping on tea with my hubby. Both my tea and yarn stashes are huge and I might need intervention soon. I always have more than one knitting project on the go. Right now, my main interest is vintage knitting. I love the way vintage knits fit.
I had to laugh when I read this because tea and knitting seem so sedate and mixed martial arts… not. :)
My friend just finished the most beautiful sweater from a vintage knit pattern. The fit really is lovely and feminine. If only I possessed the patience to make such things!
Cool, actually I do the same thing – crochet or knit, sip tea and have UFC or TUF playing in the background. It’s a fun contrast of calm knitting, tea and yelling “he’s done, stop the fight!”
Hey Steepster-peeps! If you have a Ravelry account, and you wouldn’t mind helping me win a contest, can you mosey over to this link and click the “agree” button (at the bottom of the post) on my owls (midway down the page): http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/malabrigo-junkies/2858677/51-75
I’m currently in a 3-way tie for 3rd! Thanks guys!
ETA: forgot to mention voting ends at the end of the day today!
You have my vote. Good luck!
I voted, too! I hope you win!
Woohoo, thanks! I’m in the lead now, so crossing fingers! :D
I voted for you too. Your owls are adorable! Good luck!
“agreed” and “loved”.
When does voting close?
Thanks! I think they are hoping to announce the winners tonight or early next week.
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