Teas for cough/ sore throat/ cold
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on teas that would be good to soothe a cough sore throat and cold. I have a long day of work tomorrow which will consist of about 8 hours of straight talking. Any suggestions would be amazing!
I always use honey for a sore throat. Either eating it plain, or putting it in my tea. I often do lemon tea with a spoon of honey in it.
Strong ginger works well for a cold because it clears the sinuses. The only bad thing is, it makes your nose run.
Anything lemon, ginger and honey. Honey is really good for the throat!
If you are crazy like I am, I just brew up straight fresh lemon, grated ginger and lots of honey. Maybe some cayenne when I’m desperate and like to hurt myself to feel better.
Tea wise, I found when I had bronchitis, pu’erh did wonders for loosening my throat vs. other teas
I love making fresh tisanes—surprisingly enough, a few leaves of basil in with ginger/lemon/honey make it extra delicious
To ease my throat when it’s sore, or when I’m coughing a lot, I constantly drink chamomile with honey.
If you’re in the NYC area, some stores in Chinatown sell a Korean remedy made of honey and ginger slices. My mom takes a large scoop of it and puts it in hot water. Good for both the throat and sinuses (so I hear).
Thanks for the help everyone! Having a peach and ginger tea right now and my throat is already feeling a little better!
Kiwi delight. I will have to look into that when I move to the city at the end of may! It sounds amazing!
Sorry it took so long to reply. I had planned to take pictures and kept forgetting. Hopefully these will help you a bit when trying to search for the remedy.
Here’s the jar and front label:
And this what the stuff looks like:
nice! reminds me of the Natural Honey Loquat Syrup I got a while back that did wonders for cough, immune boost, general cold remedy.
I forget who makes “Throat Coat” tea but it has lots of licorice root in it, so I’d guess something with licorice root would be good.
That’s the tea I was thinking of Dustin but couldn’t remember the name of it. I used to have some indiv. tea bags but if I recall they were pretty old and I tossed them some time ago. I do remember it tasted kinda yucky, so it must be good for you. :)
Throat Coat is by Traditional Medicinals. But I like Gypsy Cold Care and Echinacea Plus better. My favorite licorice tea is Aveda’s Comforting tea.
You could look for a blend with Slippery Elm in it, which I recently learned provides a soothing throat coating when steeped.
Have you tried hot water with honey and lemon? When I had a cold recently it really did wonders. Wouldn’t be suprised if it was partially the reason I got better so quickly! :)
But if you really really want to drink tea, either have lemon tea with honey, or have a spearmint tea with honey. Those both work like a charm as well. :)
hot water with salt (works as an antibiotic for troat infections.) to rinse away, I’d suggest a strong black with honey. Nothing with milk, as milk triggers salvia production.
keep well
It’s a little late for you now, but to have on hand in the future, Sore Throat Soother from favatea.com is very nice. It works. It tastes pretty good. It’s $3.50 an ounce, which would make many, many cups for you!
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