Tea & Books - What are you reading?

1992 Replies
RiverTea said

Hey guys I have a contest on my blog and the prizes are three interesting books about tea. Maybe you’ll like to give it a try.

P.S. Now I am reading “For All the Tea in China: How England Stole the World’s Favorite Drink and Changed the History” by Sarah Rose (exquisite work). ;)

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Uniquity said

I am nearly through Swimming Home (by Deborah Levy) but not liking it despite/because of all the hype. It feels very much like something I would have read for a class in university. At least it is short! Before that it was Self Made Man by Norah Vincent but I found that disappointing as well. I don’t really seem to like her personality or writing style, and I knew that from Voluntary Madness but I was hoping I changed. Guess not, heh. Hoping the next thing I read will be really good!

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Helen11 said

Reading Hillary Clinton’s “Living History” with rereading “Pride and Prejudice” being next on my list. Living History is a really interesting read for anyone interested in politics, regardless of partisan beliefs.

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Courtney said

I actually just finished The Hobbit (for the first time) and I’m starting both The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond and The Song of the Dodo by David Quammen. If I have enough time after those two and before the start of fall term, I plan on starting The Lord of the Rings.

I can really only get in some extra reading during the spring and summer amidst my textbooks. I still have textbooks to read, but not as many as during the fall and winter terms so I try to get as much in as I can.

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AJ said

The Tea Road: China and Russia Meet Across the Steppe, by Martha Avery.

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Nitoo6of6 said

I recently finished girl in translation, gift of rain, and tell the wolves I’m home. Now just starting house girl.

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Recently finished “The Tea Rose” by Jennifer Donnelly.
It was very hard to put down. It’s basically about a girl who is growing up in the London where Jack the Ripper was terrorizing the poor working class. This girl’s family is barely scraping by, but she has big dreams along with her sweetheart to open a tea shop. I won’t go into more details, but this whole thing is like a soap opera in a lot of ways. Murder and mayhem! Social clashes. Dreams broken and dreams that come true. And some characters are just so lovable you have to find out how things work out for them. Read it!

Plus tea plays a big role in this book! It doesn’t just get a passing mention like in most books where tea makes an appearance. :D

Serenity said

Sounds so good! It is going on my queue for sure.

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MsWhatsit said

I just finished reading “How Not to Look Old” by Charla Krupp, a style guide for aging baby boomers like me. It has some interesting ideas, not all of which I agree with, but I may try out the ones I like.

Moving along, I’m currently on a self improvement kick, reading “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Learning Spanish on Your Own” in an effort to continue my half arsed attempt to learn a language that’s becoming pretty common in my area. So far, I’m liking it, though not sure if it’s actually going to do me much good.

gmathis said

Putting the “How Not To” title on my watch list!

TeaLady441 said

Good luck on the Spanish! Try Duolingo or Livemocha if you want to practice online – both sites are helpful!

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I’m reading “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain.
It’s insanely insightful and full of research and advice, and it makes me reevaluate my own self-worth. The more I read it, the more I see that I’m pretty introverted and there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is world that doesn’t see its value.

gmathis said

I would like to read that. I live with two of the most introvertiest introverts on the planet (married one; gave birth to the other) and it’s hit me recently how the world really isn’t that friendly to quiet people.

Serenity said

Read that. Loved it. I’m an introvert. My husband is not! Our daughter says she is an ambivert! : )

Gmathis, I definitely recommend it! Get your introverts to read it too. :) it will get them thinking about themselves in a more positive light.

Serenity, my husband and I are both introverts, though we manifest it differently. I’d love to share this book with him once he’s done with his finals. :)

Serenity said

Mercuryhime, I’ll bet your husband will enjoy the book as much as you did.

gmathis said

For what it’s worth, it’s making me rethink the way I work with kids at church, too. (I have a fifth grader who has said, perhaps, 12 words to me in 10 months.) Ran across this blog post recently and “amened” all the way through it: http://inadequateimages.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/the-top-5-things-introverts-dread-about-church-andor-church-camp/

Serenity said

I will read that gmathis, but I wonder if I’ve already read it. I’ll check and see! I read, a while ago, an article in a blog about introverts and church and I was really relating to it.
I think one interesting thing I learned about introverts and extroverts is that the introverts need time to recover after a social event. And extroverts thrive on social time!

gmathis said

I don’t mind the social interaction when necessary; I just don’t go looking for it ;)

Thanks for the link gmathis! I will read it in depth later, but my cursory skim through says this will be interesting and relatable. I wish they included stuff like this in Manager training at my work. :(

Nxtdoor said

My partner is extremely introverted. I haven’t a clue how our relationship works, I am at the other end of the spectrum. I know she was looking at this book, maybe I’ll download and encourage her to read. I think she read excerpts or read an interview by the author.

Elle said

I’m most definitely an introvert. Looks like I have another book to add to my list. :)

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