Without question the best chocolate flavored tea product is 52teas Malted ChocoMate. I recognize that this is not actually camellia sinensis but is mate instead and that you may not have been looking for that. But it is amazingly good. Everything else I’ve tried comes in a very distant second or third.
In truth, the next best for me has been one that is not even chocolate flavored: The Simple Leaf’s Dawn. Following Dawn, the next best is (again) 52teas’ Chocolate Mint. Most other teas either taste like weak chocolate or like very low quality chocolate.
Aw shucks! Thanks for the kind words. I’m so glad you’re enjoying our teas. I said something on Twitter about a year ago about maybe we were doing too many chocolate teas, the immediate universal reaction was “Too much chocolate? No such thing!” LOL.
I’m interested in people’s responses as well! I am not sure on a plain chocolate…but I like Lucky Charms by Tea For All Reasons but I am no longer seeing it on their site. Plus it’s not true chocolate – stand alone…it’s a creamy mint but more black tea than flavoring black.
So…yeah…I’m interested in other ones!
I really like Adagio’s Chocolate Chip too. I love Harney & Sons chocolate, and Upton’s Mélange de Chamonix is fantastic for when you are in the mood for a cocoa spice tea. Don’t forget, the Nutrition Police say that a square of high quality dark chocolate every now and again is good for you :)
I’ll second you on the Mélange de Chamonix. It is one of my favorite teas.
I’ll give you an anti-recommendation, just in case you were considering it:
My tasting note is here:
Are you looking for just chocolate or is a tea w/ other flavors ok? I’ll give suggestions for both:
Adagio’s Chocolate Chip, Valentines, and Chocolate Chai
But for me the hands down winner is Black Whiskey Cream @ www.botanicalindulgence.com
If you like rooibos, Octavia’s Winter Mint is also good.
I haven’t tried them yet, but 52teas’ mayan chocolate and chocolate w/ chai look very promising.
And there’s also Chocolate Pu Erh which as terrified as I am of pu erh makes me curious.
I’ll go for any chocolate flavored tea-ish drink (teas and tisanes).
As far as chai (or any other tea for that matters), there’s always boosting the chocolate flavor by steeping it in chocolate milk or a mix of water and chocolate milk.
Chai just never does it for me, something about the spices…but steeping in chocolate milk or some sort of chocolate mix sounds like a fun experiment.
And there’s always matcha drinking chocolate:)
Chocolate Whiskey Cream!? Oooooo…might have to try that…
TeaEqualsBliss, yet another reason you need to come visit hehe! The shop is 15min from my house and you’d save shipping:)
If you’re into blending and are going to treat yourself to Black Whiskey Cream, order a tin of their Caramel Creme Oolong which is my favorite caramel tea and makes a wonderful turtle flavored blend. (the candy, not the animal lol)
Numi’s chocolate pu erh and 52teas’ Mayan Chocolate Chai are are both confirmed as absofreakinlutely wonderful !!! Infact I may never buy another black tea based chai:) Pssst… head’s up, buy Mayan Chocolate Chai in bulk from www.manteas.com. Even factoring in shipping it’s cheaper. Now, the question is how the heck am I gonna find room for a 1lb bag in my stash?!
I just tried Numi’s Chocolate Pu Erh Chai style (1/2 water, 1/2 milk- although I didn’t sweeten it) because of the spices in it, and it turned out very good!
In addition to the ones mentioned here, we also have our very popular Ultimate Chocolate Rooibos (http://www.52teas.com/2009/08/31/08-31-09-ultimate-chocolate-rooibos/) which is caffeine-free (except for the chocolate) and has organic cacao nibs, milk chocolate chips and white chocolate chips in it, and our more recent Heath Bar Tea with bits of Heath Bar in it (http://www.52teas.com/2009/12/21/12-21-09-heath%C2%AE-bar-chocolate-toffee-black-tea/)
As much as I love 52teas, I’d have to antirecommendation the Heath Bar. It is a very good sweet black tea, but it tastes like just that. At best an unflavored tea w/ chocolate notes.
Chrine is also oddly interested in trying a chocolate tea. She’s not exactly sure why. The combination of chocolate and tea seems to be a strange one to her. She’s interested to see what Jason will try and what he’ll think of it. She’ll stop talking in the first person now.
She’ll stop talking in the 3rd person now, right? :)
It was late when I posted that! Okay, Overlord?! =)
I think you should try every one of our recommendations and decide for yourself=P Oh and of course post your thoughts here.
I’ve got a weak spot for TeaGshweander’s chocolate chili tea… Real cocoa beans in there – it’s got an exotic flavor that really can’t be beat. Add a splash of milk and you’ve got something that really hits the spot.
We reviewed it here:
I have always had a thing for sharp dark chocolate with a little spice. That flavor inspired us to creat Chocolate Chai. Dark chocolate with a touch of spice. Enjoy!
There’s no actual tea in this though. That being said… I love pre mixed chai spices I can add to any true tea I want in whatever ratio I want. Culinary Teas is the only company I’ve found that carries it, but theirs doesn’t have chocolate. Not sure about the coconut though for me personally. :( Maybe you could add it to a chocolate flavored tea steeped in chocolate milk for even more chocolate flavor? Ok, I’ll stop now. I’m torturing even myself hehe!
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