Thanks for all the amazing recs everyone! I’m going to take these, do some research, add to my shopping list, then I guess I finally have to buy so tea :).
I’ll let everyone know what I end up going with. Feel free to leave more suggestions though!
Have you ever picked something up?
Just had Culinary Tea’s Cherry Cordial and it really has a nice dark chocolate taste.
I’ve actually only had a few, but I wasn’t that impressed with any of them. SOmething about chocolate and tea shouldn’t go together. Chocolate and healthy don’t go together for me :P
I disagree, I rationalize everything!:) Chai steeped in chocolate milk is amazing:)
hahah to each their own right!?
Yep. I’m a chocolate addict and would be 300lbs if it weren’t for chocolate tea lol.
I recently discovered my taste for dark chocolate, mmmmmmm ;)
What a delicious discussion ! So many teas, so little time! How do I get all these suggestions onto my want to try list? I’m a newbie ……
There’s a box at the very top right hand side of the site that says “Find a Tea”, type the name of the tea and click on it. When you get to the tea’s profile page you’ll see “Add to shopping list” click that and it’s added:)
I’ll never understand chocolate flavored teas. You should just pair a nice chocolate with a nice tea.
Chocolate chip, Chocolate Chai and Valentines all by Adagio.
Adagio’s chocolate chai seriously fails in comparison to 52teas Mayan Chocolate Chai IMO- but ya gotta like heat.
Eastern shore tea company just stopped selling one called “Starry Night” that has chocolate and toffee and is pretty good.
Good Earth has a Cocoa chai that is lovely, if you like spice in your chocolate tea.
I have a friend that drinks GE, I’ll have to ask her about it, although I can almost assume it wouldn’t hold a candle to 52teas Mayan Chocolate Chai for me.
The only way I know to get a true chocolate/tea experience is to take a small piece of room temperature dark chocolate and place it on your tongue, then take a sip of a hearty black tea. Ta-da! You have the chocolate taste, without doing too much damage to the natural flavor of the tea. (Adagio kind of does this by placing actual chocolate chips into their blend)
It also depends on the ratio of tea to chocolate that you want. If your scale tips more to the chocolate side than tea, then go make yourself a cup of hot chocolate. I say this because if you want an overwhelmingly chocolate flavor, why waste great tea by flavoring the heck out of it?
If you crave tea with a chocolate flavor in the background, try teas with natural chocolate notes… I think The Simple Leaf’s “Dawn” was mentioned earlier as having this quality (if so, I concur).
While I have different views- I do absolutely agree on your point on the ratio. I don’t like a tea where all I can taste is chocolate. But then again I don’t like hot chocolate made w/ water. I love both flavored and unflavored teas. I look at chocolate teas (either solo or in combo w/ other flavors) as a great way to satisfy my sweet tooth w/ not only eliminating the fat and calories, but adding the health benefits of tea!
You are absolutely right – everyone has different views and tastes. I just felt like adding my two cents… because every time I discover an overly flavored tea or hear some people talk about wanting MORE of a flavoring, I picture a masked person ruthlessly stabbing a tea bush. Heh…
However, I do see your point with flavored teas being used a healthy dessert or to cure sweet tooth cravings. Good times.
Haha yeah I think dessert teas or notorious for this above all others IMO. 52teas mandarin matcha is actually spectacular and I never imagined my idea of flavored matcha could be such a delicious reality.
IdentiTEA got me thinking… another school of thought (that I’ve tried) is adding tea to your hot/drinking chocolate… specificially matcha. It gives it even a more sophisticated, savory flavor. But I suggest ending the sophistication at the flavor and drinkiing it from your matcha bowl=D If you like the combo of orange and chocolate, I strongly suggest using 52teas mandarin matcha.
So, I am guessing, milk, unsweetened cocoa, and matcha… correct? If so, how many parts of cocoa to matcha? Or does that depend on the individual based on which flavor notes one would like in the foreground and background?
I use actual drinking chocolate drinking chocolate so it has directions on the tin. I just make it as directed and then add 1 scoop matcha before stirring.
I have had limited experience with chocolate teas, the idea was always strange to me. However, I just got Chocolate Mint Oolong by Stash which is really good, especially with milk. It is in a tea bag, but is much better than almost any other tea bag I’ve had.
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