STEEPSTER Dictionary
JacquelineM recently used a term in one of her notes that I thought was worthy of an entry in the Steepster Dictionary : “shoulder dropping” – as in “she took a sip and felt her shoulders dropping” .
Doesn’t that perfectly describe the effect that tea can have on the body / psyche?
Flew-Fee = Fluffy, but cooler and more fun!
Ok, I can see where white teas would be fuzzy in texture. Is that what you mean, or do you mean the taste? Cuz the only way I can grasp that is a cotton ball tea… blech lol.
Um, well, I guess the taste is light VS a heavy taste – if that makes sense. Like…more energizing instead of weighing you down. More uplifting and light VS dark and BOLD and such. It was just the first word that came to mind when I drank it. LOL
@ AmazonV – Depends on your mood…it’s FUN…so…whatever you are feeling at that moment! LOL It’s all good!
@ Cofftea – Nope…Not Cotton! Flew-Feeee and Cottony but heads! LOL
Can’t take credit for these, they’re from Theo Chocolate- according to them they’re "endangered words… so let’s use ’em more!:)
nectareous [nek-TAIR-ee-us]- delicious
theic [THEE-ik]- one who drinks copius amounts of tea
lipothymic [ly-po-THIM-ik]- tending to faint or swoon
Chemical Warfare Packaging: Packaging that goes above and beyond simply keeping light and air away from tea to the point where the tea would probably remain fresh during a chemical war. i.e. Rishi’s Jasmine Pearl green tea: Canister with both an inner and outer lid and the tea in a vacuum sealed opaque bag inside the canister. There’s also a seal over the outer cover, but that’s obviously broken after the 1st use.
Pseudo flavored tea. A non flavored tea that has notes of different flavors so strong you’d swear flavors were added to it. Adagio’s Dancong Aria oolong is a great one.
How about when someone tells you that you have too much tea and need to stop buying so much, a “TEA-tervention”?
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