Dark Matter 2016 (group buy) Live 3-6-16

283 Replies

One for me please.

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Since not everyone has IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/BC4Nc6hRYBR/

This picture broke me. I’m so in.

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Oh! Holy $**t! I have been fiending to try this! You are awesome!

mrmopar said

Those were some of the first shou I could stomach.

I really enjoy shou when I am in the mood and have a private wish list as long as the Appalachian Trail with the pu mandarins on the top 3 of the list. I satisfied one item on my list with a bitter melon stuffed with heavy roasted TGY from What-Cha. Love it!

mrmopar said

I got one of those bitter melon TGY I need to get to.

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Just so everyone knows, I haven’t bumped this once but I’ve seen it go to the top without an actually comment three different times now

Gee. Maybe people like you? Bump bump bump…

If that’s the case, I appreciate it :P
17 slots left. Won’t be an issue when it hits Reddit, but I want all the Steepster people to be sure they had their exclusive ‘extra time’ which is actually just preordering what will come out soon enough.

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Two4Tea said

You’re popular. And you need to own it. :).

Reminded me of the song from Wicked… Had to find that so I could hear it again.

Pop-you-eeeew-lar! :)

While people may enjoy my efforts and what it brings forward, what is truly popular is the tea and vendors :)
If I chose to do a group buy of only rooibos and honeybush, it wouldn’t go well. Much of the excitement comes from knowing what everyone likes, hasn’t tried, would provide a valuable experience, pricing, ability to sample tea with others, gaining knowledge through tasting, and then the whole tea community aspect that comes with it all

Dr Jim said

Nah! We all love you too. But I have to admit I’d pass on the Rooibos group.

I wouldn’t even consider it :P
Nor a guyusa and mate group buy or a multi CTC group buy… no no no

AllanK said

You might actually be surprised the number of people who are interested in herbals. I have to cut out caffeine early so what is left, herbal teas. There might be more interest than you think. Whenever I am drinking an herbal late at night I admit I would rather be drinking puerh but I would rather sleep than drink puerh.

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The tea community…
You are all so amazing. I was just asked on how to do a gift for this group buy because it’s on Etsy. I thought that the 2016 Sheng Olympics was going to be exclusive to the interesting occurrence of gifting; and not just one, but three entire packages were sent out as gifts. Well, it wasn’t exclusive and I don’t how how to feel about such a thing other than really happy to see others provide such a great opportunity for another person.
There is a huge thank you to the vendors that help get these offerings to everyone, but now there seems to be a trend between the last two group buys where people are connecting another person with a gift that last over a month that brings a whole journey on its own.

Even though this is now a business transaction, I will continue to gift everyone as always and this time it’s a nice little… well, you’ll see.

The more people put into such things, the more I will.

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While there is a story behind this, the short version is: Verdant’s roasted laoshan oolong will be added to everyone’s order as a gift on top of the ripe pu’erh gift I have for everyone from YS.

Rui A. said

Thank you LP.

Matu said

Looking forward to it!


Yay! I’ve been wanting to try that. :)

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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee http://imgur.com/oxvwBQD

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Goodness… just when I think my group buys are as good as they get, something comes up and it adds more…

Bitter Leaf Teas offered to donate http://www.bitterleafteas.com/product/grizzly-brown-2006-meng-hai-tu-si-ripe-puer/ for everyone and I had two thoughts: who drinks cooked pu’erh that is 10 years old and heck yeah. One thought is serious, the other is not.

Matu said

Woo! More stuff! Look like it’s gonna be pretty awesome :)

been meaning to try their teas. Very exciting!

Bitterleaf said

Yeah, sorry about our last minuteness… Needless to say, spring is a busy time, but we’ll be enlisting the services of EMS’s fastest steed to get the tea to Andrew before everything’s all sent out.

curlygc said

Awesome, I’ve been curious about this vendor but have not ordered. Yet.

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I was glad when people in Canada joined in. Smiled when someone in the UK joined. Found excitement the moment someone in China got on board. Had to post a status when someone from Germany joined in. Yelled out ‘woohoo’ as I found out that someone in Israel is joining us. This is just awesome :)

5 slots left, who knows where they will end up!

Zennenn said


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