Spent $114 so far at Capital Teas…
Spent $57 at Teavana’s online spring sale
Spent $120 online at Capital Teas, but had a gift certificate, so I’m at $266 for the year. Yikes! More than I thought and we’re only half done with the year!
Spent $114 ordering from Pleasures of Tea which brings the total up to $380. Better than spending it on soda I guess. (I have spent 0 on soda this year.)
Maybe one more order or made that’s it for the year. At least I will be under $500.
So far so good! $0.00 so far, which is more than a thousand dollars less than I spent in 15!
Well I managed to stick to my guns and spent $0 on tea in January. But I ended up spending $93 on teaware, nearly half of my $200 teaware budget for the entire year. The good news is I have all the pots and cups I’ll ever need so it’ll be a while before my next teaware purchase – don’t hold me to that though ;-)
$55 at Teaware house (it was only a matter of time)
$22 at Adagio (saw a kyusu set there that caught my eye)
$8.50 at Enjoying Tea (replacement steel filters)
$7.50 at Aliexpress (replaced broken test tube steeper)
Still trying to drink down my stash to make room for fresh tea in the spring.
So far, already too much and we are in the beginning of February!
2015 total: $695
2016 goal: < / = $500
Feb: $51.54
Mar: $28.97
This morning my husband looked at our tea stash and said, “honey, that’s gotta be about $300 worth of stuff right there!” – all purchased this year as we’re building our cupboard – and doing the math this morning I found that we’ve already spent $536…YIKES!! We tend to get a little carried away when we’re passionate about something (and with tea we’re a bit obsessed), but at least right now we’re set on teaware and tea for at least the rest of the year, if not longer! My goal now is to spend as little as possible throughout 2016… hopefully!
Update on my budgeting failures:
CLT: 318
W2T: 482
TWH: 25
EoT: 305
TB: 1898
Private sale: 45
Total: 3073
Where’s the link to that hiatus group again?
Holy crap, all that in only 2 months?!
Unfortunately. The good news is my w2t order on 12/27 doesn’t count, right?
Which company is TB? Or is it Taobao?
“budgeting Failures” Great term. Wow. I thought I was excessive!
I was going to try to keep it under $1000, but unfortunately I’m already there (projecting out my monthly tea club expenditures). And it’s only March :-(
I’ve never really thought about it in these terms before, but I went back and had a look, and in 2015 I spent £454.27 on tea, fairly evenly spread across the year, so about £40 per month roughly speaking.
This year got off to a rough start, so so far I’ve only spent on tea this month:
January – £0
February – £0
March –
Bluebird – £53
Liquid Proust “Dark Matter” Group Buy – £28.31
Red Leaf – £18.03
Total – £99.34 so far.
Basically, I’ve made up for January and February already. I’m not all that concerned by last year’s final figure, though. It amounts to less than half a months wages, and in the grand scheme of things that seems like no big deal to me. I’ll happily stick at my current level this year, I think.
I am not even going to try to record this for this year. I start out good at the beginning of the year. Then by spring or summer I want the spring teas. Then it’s Black Friday and the sales never stop until the new year.
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