2016: How Much will you spend on tea this year?

189 Replies

First tea to be acquired in 2016 is a birthday present, so does not count toward my budget. Woo!

Meantime, I will count group buys, shipping cost and anything that comes out of my pocket for tea.

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Was planning to get around $6 from the local shop this month.

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After tracking my spending for the past few years I think I’ve figured out a fairly reasonable budget. I still have a fair amount from last year to sipdown before I go crazy with purchases this year, so I’m hoping to spend Jan/Feb drinking down my stash and leftover samples.

Spending: 2014 $440.53 2015 $165.80 2016 Goal $250

Actual Purchases
(January) Amazon/Golden Tips $5.90
(January) Amazon/Good Life Tea $3.00
(January) Amazon/MatchaDNA $1.99
January Total: $10.89 FINAL

(February) Amazon/Golden Tips $1.98
February Total: $1.98 FINAL

(March) None!
March Total: $0.00 FINAL

(April) Arbor Teas $17.75
April Total: $17.75 FINAL

(May) Trail Lodge Tea $8
(May) Yōki $5
(May) Bimi Bakery ??
(May) Liquid Proust Teas $16.40
May Total: $29.40 FINAL

(June/July) None!
June/July Total: $0.00 FINAL

(August) Adagio $3.25
August Total: $3.25

(September) None!
September Total: $0.00 FINAL

(October) Adagio $39.40
(October) Arbor Teas $5.64
October Total: $45.04 FINAL

(November) Single Origin Teas $10.55
(November) A Quarter to Tea $11.99
November Total: $22.54

(December) None!
December Total: $0.00 FINAL


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Rosehips said

I am so in! I did this last year, an trailed off a little towards the end of the year. I overshot my intended budget by about $100, so I’ve adjusted this year accordingly.
My budget is going to be $500 for the year. This will include any shipping costs. Lets see how I do!
January- $53.68
February- $15.99
March- $47.15
July- $60
August- $22
September- $18.50

Total= $221.27
Remaining = $278.73

(I fell into a hole, and need to do some CSI level reconstruction on my tea purchases. I should be able to do so, and get it all here soon. Gonna track all of my purchases.)

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Eveleaf said

Oh boy, I need this thread! It’s only halfway through January, and I’ve already run up nearly $200 in tea and teaware purchases. Now I really should be good for a couple months, at least, if something shiny doesn’t catch my eye. Problem is…shiny things everywhere!

With my $7 sample subscription from Adagio, and limiting myself to occasional splurges, I am determined to stay within budget!

/sits on hands

Spending 2016 Goal: $500

Actual Purchases $177
Amazon $55
Adagio $122

Remaining sub $77

Amount left to spend: $246

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I’m not even sure what I spent last year. Just on tea, probably $3000. Not even teaware and other stuff. Ask Paul to tally my order totals XD

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This year I think I will do my best to keep spending relatively low and work on reducing my stash so that the only old teas I have are intentionally aged! That being said a budget of ~$300 seems reasonably low for a year..we’ll see how it goes. This is the first time I track my spending on tea.

Taiwanese Oolong – $40
White2Tea club – $40(x2 since February came early

White2Tea club – $40

Remainder: $140.. oh dear.. I think I’ll have to expand the budget a bit..

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Brian said

how much to spend until i get blacklisted like @cwyn? :-P

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Inkling said

My 2016 tea budgeting is NOT off to a good start. Between a fantastic sale from my favorite tea company (TeaSource) and some amazing-sounding new blends from A Quarter to Tea, I just blew nearly half my annual budget in one night! :/ No more shopping for this girl for many months to come. But, on the bright side, I have lots of new tea to tide me over until I’m allowed to shop again! :)

2016 Spending Goal – $120

January spending – $54.37

Total remaining – $65.63

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Last year I stayed on budget, but I am not sure that counts since I didn’t drink tea for 6 months of the year due to growing a human. This year I am trying a different strategy. I have estimated my monthly consumption of tea to be around 8oz per month. I am limiting myself to only be able to purchase half of what I estimate I drink. So my total oz allowance is 48oz for the year. We will see how well it works.

52 Teas – 3.5oz
A&D Group Order – 4.5oz

2016 Total = 8oz

OMGsrsly said

That’s a really neat idea!

Thanks! We will see if it works.

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