New Site for Teaware

101 Replies
Cwyn said

I’m glad I’m not the only one. Was feeling a bit mentally ill lately over this but with a decent size sample of tea heads here, statistically this means I’m approaching normal.

MzPriss said

@Cwyn Placed one order. Kept looking. Decided I couldn’t live without a Blood Moon cup. Frantic email to 2Dog to please ADD THAT CUP! Thought about it some more. I really wanted the little goat. And to get free shipping has to be $40. Placed my second order. We can ask for group therapy rates. I can in no way afford this BTW.

curlygc said

I got a blood moon cup. And a blue moon cup. And other stuff. I’ve decided it’s my birthday present to myself… it makes me feel less crazy.

MzPriss said

@curlygc LOL – whatever works!

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I haven’t bought anything here yet, but I’m going to use this space to make a general plea:

Dear teaware people: can you please make more tea pets that look like kitties? I see fishies and goats and deer… but hardly any kitties! This makes me so sad. pout

I agree. This is the reason I don’t own a teapet yet.

DigniTea said

I’ve actually seen all of these ^^ The closest one to something I would get is the second link. I guess I just want it to be EXACTLY what I want, which probably won’t happen lol

DigniTea said

Since so many tea pets are tied to the Chinese Zodiac Cycle and the New Year, that’s why goats, dragons, ox, rabbits appear so frequently. Personally since Feb.8 begins the Year of the Monkey, I’m rather excited about seeing monkey-related cake wrappers and tea pets.

I am still really sad over the lack of octopuses. I have a carved wooden one but I cannot share tea with it. A ruyao octopus would be baller.

There aren’t many birds either. But the owl one on this site looks like a skull…

That lamb is cute!

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Dr Jim said

I was happily filling up my cart when my wife looked over my shoulder and yelled at me for buying stuff for myself 5 days before Christmas. She knows I’m looking for tea cups, so 2-dog may have wrecked the surprise. There’s always next week.

I hope the free shipping lasts. I was actually in the exact same situation…

curlygc said

I get that a lot. Except that my wife is in Ireland right now, so she’s not around to look over my shoulder while I browse. Consequently, I’ve been very bad… AND SHE CAN’T STOP ME! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Yay! I got to place my order! I got more things than I need, and this will bring my gaiwan count up to 14…guys I have a problem :P

How long has it taken you to amass all 14? I’m at five now; all of which I’ve got this year…

Oh, about three years :P this year has been a bit intense though, having added 8 to the collection.

curlygc said

To be fair, you just never know when you’re going to need to do a blind taste test of 14 different teas at once ;-)

boychik said

I keep walking around the pot. It calls my name. I have many pots, many. Never counted them. This year #tad was especially aggressive

Cwyn said

@boychik ka-Ching!

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Skysamurai said

awh man…. I’m in …. something… I dont know…. there are two things… 3 things I really want….

THIS. Ahhh little turtle wants to come home with me….

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So I decided to go through and add everything to my cart that I really wanted just to see what it would total up to . . . 24 items later . . . yeah, not happening all at once. Really hoping I get cash from someone for Christmas this year.

Same! I shouldn’t have looked… DOOMCART!

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Brian said

so i’m guessing with shipping from China the orders will take quite a while to get here.

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Cwyn said

I was fine until I came back here and starting reading.


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I finally bit. I’m a sucker for ruyao.

t-ching said

Can you explain what ruyao is? I see a bunch of ruyao on the site and I’m in the market for a new pot!

I actually just did a bit of research, since I don’t know much about it. Hope this summary is what you’re looking for. My knowledge about ceramics is shallow. Ru yao or Ru kiln is a ceramic first created during the Song dynasty. The original Ru kilns were for the Imperial court. The colors vary from robin’s egg/sky blue to celadon green to green-ish blue to white-gray (as you’ve seen from this website). Ru kiln ware are thickly glazed and have a soft texture. When cooling, crackles naturally form. The crackles darken over time from usage.

Here are the sources I pulled this info from:

I have one cup from Verdant and adore drinking with it. One year later, but not after that much use, the crackles have already darkened.

t-ching said

Cool! Thanks for the explanation!

Sure! Good luck finding a new pot.

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Nicole said

So…. had I done it all together, it would have been a Doomcart. As it is, I ended up spending the same amount of money, just over 2 orders instead of one… I need help.

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