New matcha tea testers needed (10-12 well known products)
I have noticed that someone had a great idea to do side-by-side comparison of matcha teas sold on Amazon.
Unfortunately, our teas were not included. I believe that our newest addition of matcha will blow the competition out of the water, quality and price wise. To prove it, I have decided to make a similar test. Of course it would not be fair if I did the actual testing so I will need 10 brave souls to do this. I will purchase on Amazon 10-12 different matcha teas from different suppliers (all top selling products) and add my product as well. I will divide it into 10 smaller size samples and ship it all to each tester. Samples will be numbered to ensure fair testing. Only AFTER the test is done I will send you info what sample number corresponds to what product. I have asked one of the Steepester members to help me with this to make sure all is fair (Amanda ‘SoggyEnderman’ Wilson). I will handle the shipping part and she will handle the rest. Please contact here to sign up.
Reward: $40 credit towards any purchase at RedLeafTea OR any full size of the tested product that you like best, even if it happens to be from our competition. Extra $30 credit for video review (in addition to written one)
Let me know here if you have any questions. Contact Amanda to signed up.
Thank you.
I would love to take part in this if possible, though I am in the UK and not sure if that would be an issue? It sounds like a very interesting idea!
Excellent! Just follow me, and I will follow back, after that shoot me your shipping info and a link to where you will be posting the Matcha testing, that way I can keep track of who is posting where :)
This is my first time coordinating anything like this, so fun fun for new experiment!
I am posting this close to the top so there is clarification.
This is only open to bloggers, since this has to be on a platform that allows photos, so sadly steepster only is not enough at this time.
Sure, but it’ll be over a few posts. My caffeine tolerance isn’t that high!
Heh, yeah, I will probably pop myself from all the caffeine!
Shoot me your address and you are in!
Well, slap my chawan and call me usucha! Count me in! I will PM you shortly, Amanda.
I’d be interested in this for sure. However, I don’t own a blog but I can certainly take pics and post them to someone else’s blog, or use imgur’s album album timeline plus pic descriptions as a ‘blog’, or simply make a reddit ‘review’ type of post in the tea-drinkers section (which I am sure they would love to see!). If any of these options will suffice please add me to the list =)
hmm, the reddit one might work…let me check with Red Leaf Tea and I will let you know!
Though posting to someone else’s blog should work too actually…would you be doing a guest post I assume?
Posting your review on someone’s blog sounds like fun. You do the work and they get free readers looking for this type of comparison. :-)
I’m not sure how reddit works, but if you can do one post with multiple photos and texts, that may work as well. The goal is to show different colors of matcha sold by many sellers as well as provide taste notes and price so that customers can make informative decision.
A guest post, or whatever you prefer.
I thought the reddit one was a good option because it gets the review out to a large community very efficiently while naturally encouraging questions and follow-up from a very diverse member-base.
Anyway let me know what Red Leaf says!
Reddit is pretty much like here, you can post links to pictures but not have them embedded.
reddit seems to dislike blog/reviews. They’ve been cracking the whip lately too, I have tea reviews that sit in moderation forever.
I see pictures embedded on reddit, but I have a chrome extension for it. has over 56,000 subscribers and thats not counting the people who just drop by occasionally. It would be a great place for this type of review since it has a much larger audience than most blogs.
If you can make it work on Reddit, I’m fine with it. I just want to make sure you can include pictures and links to the products you will be testing.
It should be great on reddit, and it would be very good content since a Blind Taste Test Comparison is an experience that one can write an entire article on, as opposed to a mere two-paragraph post reviewing only a single tea. Reddit allows links to products as well as linked pictures. If this works for you, please add me to the list of testers =)
Hey Zack, please contact Amanda to get added to the list. She was so gracious to donate her time to help me with this part of the tests. Thank you Amanda :-)
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