New matcha tea testers needed (10-12 well known products)
Oh what’s the timeline on this? World Tea Expo is next month, so it’s going to be super busy for tea bloggers very soon.
I should be getting all the teas next week and hope to ship them same week as well. All I will need to know from Amanda is how many people signed up and their addresses. Rest is up to you. I will post a page with links to the products tested so that after the blind testing, you will have all the info ready before you post the reviews, like which sample corresponds to what product. If you have any requirements for the samples let me know so that I can address it before it all ships.
If you are still interested you are going to be the confirmed 10th member of the testing group. Woo, fun! Just let me know one way or the other
Ok guys! As of now, counting myself, we have seven definite members for the test and 2 more I am waiting for confirmation on. So, there is still room for a few more people to join!
I am definitely interested! I use a chawan and do it the old school way! Would love to try this!
That is of course if a tea related facebook group (it’s a public group) would be acceptable to post the results on.
Excellent! shoot me a link to your blog (or if you are doing reddit I guess) and your address and you are good to go!
And yeah I know I already have both, but having them in one spot makes my life easier :P
Actually that is a good point. In theory you could do that with a ton of pictures in a document on there, because I think you can add pictures to a document…never tried.
I will ask and see!
I would love to read these reviews whenever they get posted! =)
Red Leaf Tea, does this mean that you’ll soon be available to buy through Amazon? I only got one hit when I searched for you on there, but the ‘shipped from’ is different.
I’m interested if there is room.
We might have a tenth person, just waiting back for a response. If they are not interested you will be next in line!
Hey QueenOfTarts, good news, we need another person, shoot me your address with your blog link and you will be added to the list!
Hello again! I need your address by 10pm (central time) please, things will be shipping tomorrow morning and that is the deadline.
I would love to be apart of this! The health benefits of matcha are great so I would really like to become a more affluent matcha drinker.
I have a Matcha / green TTB set up at the moment that I will be sending out soon as well.
ops. Just read that it’s full. I will be an alternate too just in case? For anyone else that wants to be in the Matcha TTB let me know.
I already got 3 test results and one completed blog review. Check it out, it’s really cool. The most expensive matcha teas are not always the best.
I can not wait to see it. Also, there was an invitation from Drop Box sent to you with some additional info that you may want to use. Not sure if you got it. If you do not want to use it, that is fine. I just want to make sure you have that option.
I’m not going to look at anyone’s results until I get mine sampled – no spoilers please!
Aiming for next week, but could end up happening after WTE.
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