Upcoming Dammann Freres group order
are there any other teas available?
I was thinking this morning about putting together some sampler packs with various teas, including several French ones.
If you end up doing that, I would be interested in pricing one out as well. I’ve been stalking this thread, but without a real estimate of shipping to Canada, I decided to pass on the actual order. I’m a little worried I’d pay more for the shipping than the tea. This was very tempting though.
The first box arrived today! No customs issues, as promised. I will work on dividing them up tomorrow and get the initial boxes sent Monday, and place the second order tomorrow as well.
I assume you will hold back boxes for those of us who have items in the second order. If not, feel free to hold mine back— no rush.
I think it makes more sense to send them all at once, unless someone wants it the other way.
It’s just that it seems I’m a bit too late to jump on this. Perhaps it’s good, since I did just place a Dammann Freres tea order around the same time. I picked up some of the same teas you ordered here, in fact. Velours Nacre, Fleurilege, Vanille, and 7 Parfums as well as Melange des Cherubins. I did look at the Figue Fraiche, but I didn’t want 100 grams of it. Anyway, I suppose I could trade with somebody.
I think I would like to try Mariage Freres. It kind of looks like the David’s Tea of France. I would like to try their floral teas, especially.
This should work: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q44hZk_0TgQM8vx_uNgYZdBVpZgMXsXqoOzAIjBfjT8/edit?usp=sharing
I would love to take part in a group buy as I have some Dammann Freres tea I am dying to get my hands on… Please let me know if you are planning to organize another or have heard of anyone doing so!
Any interest in a group order? I would like to try some teas, but am reluctant to order with no samples available and 2 ounces being the threshold. Shipping is a thing, too.
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