Upcoming Dammann Freres group order

150 Replies

I’ll make this easier for group ordering purposes:

I will commit to 25g of any oolong that is purchased.

If anyone else is interested in these I would like 25g of:
Atomic Lemon Bio
The des Marquises
Lapsand Souchong Crocodile

On top of 25g of all/any oolongs purchased

I’d be willing to get 25g for Lapsang Souchong Crocodile – but no more than that.

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sren said

How exciting! Thank you for coordinating this, Marzipan! I can’t resist such an opportunity…

Pu-erh Guormand 50g+
Bourbon (!) 50g+
Oolong Caramel au Beurre Sale 50g+
Charlotte aux Fruits 25g or 50g max

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Two side notes:

I have been looking online to find information about customs limits and fees. I can’t find much so I will put an inquiry into the USPS before placing the order so there are no surprises

I’ll also start collating posts here in a few days.

Excelsior said

The fees/charges might be particular to UPS and/or purchases over $100. I will be interested in what you find out.

My purchase was over $100. I tried finding something online and found one source that said it is $200, but I’m still going to contact them to be sure.

AllanK said

I think the limit is quite high before US customs starts charging fees. I have put in $400 orders from China and not been charged a fee.

China and France are not treated the same though. French luxury goods are a special case.

sren said

From that info along with your prior experience in ordering from DF, it seems there should be not be a customs problem unless the order is mistaken as for commercial purposes.

I have a contact in to them specifically about France just to be totally sure.

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TeaNTees said

Try as I might I cannot turn down such a wonderful opportunity. Thank you so much MARZIPAN; your kindness continues to astound me. :)

Temple d’Angkor 25g, 50g, 100g (ANY AMOUNT)
Havana / Havanita 25g, 50g, 100g (ANY AMOUNT)
Bougainville 25g, 50g max
Noël en Provence 25g, 50g max
Coquelicot Gourmand 25g, 50g preferred but would consider more if necessary
Charlotte aux Fruits 25g, 50g preferred but would consider more if necessary

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AllanK said

I am really thinking of joining this group order and will hopefully send you a pm tonight. But, if you know, about how much is a Euro in Dollars? Is it about 1.25 dollars per Euro or so? All their prices are in Euros.

Just go to Google and type in “5 euros to USD” or whatever the amount is and it will calculate it for you.

Uniquity said

USD is really strong right now. You guys can buy everyone’s goods for a great deal. Euro isn’t doing as badly in comparison as CAD, but it’s def. a good time to buy.

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Phi said

Cheju do oolong- 25, 50

Jeoncha Céleste, 25, 50

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Just a minor update on this. I emailed customs and got the response below from them, so depending on how much the order turns out to be, I may need to break it into two and separate them by a few days or a week just to be safe. I bolded the part that applies most.

Response Via Email (Branch Chief, Operations, Chief Canoyer) 04/10/2015 10:31 AM

Thank you for contacting the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) INFO Center.

Packages sent internationally through the United States Postal Service (USPS) that do not pass free of duty will have a yellow Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Mail Entry form (CBP 3419A), attached to the outer wrapper. A CBP Officer will have already filled out this form with the item’s tariff classification number, rate of duty, processing fee, and the total amount that must be paid in order to take possession of the shipment.

You should keep this yellow form until you are certain that you intend to keep the merchandise.

CBP then sends the parcel back to the United States Postal Service, (USPS) which sends it to a local post office for delivery.

Note: Most personal shipments worth up to $200, and gift packages worth up to $100, will pass duty-free as long as the recipient does not receive multiple packages in a single day whose cumulative value is more than these amounts.

If you think the amount of duty assessed on your package is incorrect, you can have two choices:

You can pay the duty and take delivery of the package. Then send the yellow copy of the mail entry (form CBP 3419A), which was attached to your package when it was delivered, to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) office that issued it (this can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the form). Include with the yellow copy a written statement of why you believe the assessment was incorrect. If you have any other evidence regarding the value of the merchandise, like invoices or bills of sale, include copies of these as well. You have 90 days after you receive the package and pay the duty to make this request for a duty adjustment. If your protest results in a refund, the refund check will be made payable to the addressee shown on the mail entry.

You can also, decline to pay the duty and postpone taking delivery. Then, within five days of your refusal, provide the postmaster with a written statement of why you are protesting the amount of duty. The postmaster will forward your statement, the Mail Entry (form CBP 3419A), and any invoices, bills of sale, or other evidence you choose to furnish, to the International Mail Branch that issued the mail entry. The postmaster will keep your shipment until the CBP Mail Branch informs him or her of the outcome of your protest. No postal storage charges will accrue during this period. If you are located near one of the CBP’s International Mail Branches, the postmaster may send the CBP 3419A to that branch instead, along with your statement and evidence for reconsideration of duties, taxes or fees.

This office does NOT provide estimated duty rates, you may find duty information in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule on the U.S. International Trade Commission HTS Web site: http://www.usitc.gov/tata/hts/bychapter/index.htm

If you have any other questions or would like clarification on this response, please feel free to contact us either by calling our toll free number 877 CBP-5511 (227-5511) or if calling from outside the United States our toll number 202-325-8000 and speak with a Public Information Officer. Our hours of operation are Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Eastern Time.

Please note that in our online tracking software, a “Solved” status simply means that we have provided you with the best information we have to your question. There may still be steps you need to complete before your situation is resolved to your satisfaction. Those steps are explained in our response. If you need further clarification on those steps, please feel free to contact us back.

This email is intended for Informational Purposes Only, final determination of admission is solely at the discretion of the CBP Officer based upon the inspection at the time of entry.

Thank you again for contacting the CBP INFO Center.



I knew no such thing… my group order with YUNOMI went from Japan to USPS with a declared worth of $497 and I paid nothing extra nor did I hear a thing. What I find crazy is that it arrived in less than 72 hours.

I just read the tariff for tea on there… WHAT THE HECK? So black tea has zero fees and green teas have 6-20%? Someone explain this to me, please.

Uniquity said

That is a realy informative response from the Postmaster but even there it comes down to hit and miss. “Most personal shipments up to $200…” They can charge on smaller ones…or not charge on bigger ones. There is no guaranteed safe number, it’s really just luck. Although it seems that staying under $200 helps!

Uniquity said

Also, Liquid Proust – you were lucky! Thank the tea gods and be happy! :)

I had sent inquiries both to the USPS and Customs, and had a call from the local Postmaster yesterday, so when I call him back today I will clarify things a bit more.

Excelsior said

Thanks Marzipan!

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Patricia said


I’m interested!

I also live in Canada. Do you have an idea of how much it would cost for the shipping from your house to mine?

Also, a technical question: how do we pay you? (it’s the first time I’m doing this)

(I will post my choices soon)

It depends on the weight of the shipment, but if you want to run some numbers through the postal site for ideas, my zip is 42420. Usually people PayPal me.

Patricia said

Great, I have a PayPal account :)

I would like to purchase this:

Pu’erh gourmand 25g, 50g (I prefer 25g)
Oolong Caramel au beurre salé 25g
Caramel-toffee 25g
Coquelicot gourmand 25g, 50g
Noël à Prague, 25g

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Hah, DF commented on an Instagram photo of mine!

sren said

That’s awesome! I thought they might be sending you your favorite again for free…

If only!

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Zack S. said

I’d be interested in seeing who wants to split the following. I’ll list next to each tea the amount I would be ok with purchasing. I prefer 25gs but will purchase 50gs on certain ones if the purchase would not be possible otherwise.

Caramel-Toffee, 25g-50g
Pu-Erh Gourmand, 25g-50g
Osmanthe D’Or, 25g-50g
Oolong Caramel au Beurre Salé, 25g-50g
Rose de Mai, 25-100g, any amount

4 Fruits Rouges (Quatre Fruits Rouges), 10g-25g
Temple d’Angkor, 25g-50g
Violette, 25g-50g
Noël à Vienne, 25g-50g
Figue Fraîche 10g-25g
Tisane de Noël 25g-50g

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