Upcoming Dammann Freres group order

150 Replies

I’ll work on getting things set up by Wednesday and then will send out PMs. If you aren’t following me already please do.

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Hey guys, here is a link to a PDF of where we currently stand. Some of the teas only have interest from one person, others are about 75% full. Please let me know what changes to make to this, whether it’s adding or removing things.

The blue highlights mean that that person had some flexibility on which amount they got.

Link updated Tuesday 3:09 pm central.

Patricia said

Marzipan, do you also want some tea :) ? I don’t see your name in the document.

I have a cart made up, but will probably get 100g of each one.
This is my cart:
Citron Vert
Mure Sauvage
Old Man Tea
Velours Nacre
The aux Sept Parfums
Coquelicot Gourmand
The des trois fleurs
KG Amore

I’ll take 50g of Noel a Venise; which would fill that one up. And if I’m the only one who wants Mangue Egyptienne it’d probably be best not to get it since I don’t want more than 25g…

Fjellrev said

That’s so great, Marzipan! Of course, all the lone ones I was interested in can basically go on the chopping block if no one else is interested in going 50/50 on them. Although, I’m actually now willing to get 100g of Flacons d’epices even if no one else is interested.

Also, I’m willing to pick up 25g of Caramel-Toffee to fill up that last spot, plus 50g of Bougainville.

mmlemonade: Are you interested in getting 50g (instead of 25g) of Noel a Prague so that both of us could get 50g each? If not, no worries!

I also wonder if Liquid Proust is willing to go 50/50 on Oolong Chataigne.

Thanks for splitting the Noel a Venise with me, Roswell!

sren said

Fjellrev: i posted below— I will take 25 g Noel a Prague and 25-50g Easter and 25-50g velour nacre as needed :)

Patricia said

Sorry Fjellrev, if it would have been for another tea, I might have said yes but the flavours are so odd (prune and vodka) that I’m not 100% sure I will like it. Thanks Sren for splitting with us :)

Fjellrev said

Yay, I’m glad it worked out! Thanks for splitting it with us, for sure, sren. :)

And I’m ok with 50g of the Easter and Velour Nacre so yay for another split! Hope they’ll be good.

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sren said
I just had fun looking at everyone’s selections, and found a few that I would be willing to go in on as needed. Marzipan, feel free to pencil me based on the list below if it is helpful or ignore the list if it is not!

Fjellrev: i didn’t see The Des Celtes on the DF site. Maybe it is not in stock?

I would sign up for:
Tisane de Noel
Velours nacre
Pure Guormand (in addition to current 50g order)
Noel a Prague
Nosy Bey

Fjellrev said

Damn, it looks like they might have just taken The Des Celtes down. It might just be something they bring out for St. Patrick’s.

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Does anybody want any amount of Bali or Satsuma Yume? I love it if anyone could swing it!

TeaNTees said

Depending on my total, I could probably do 25g of Bali

I’ll go in tomorrow and update with prices, I’m about to take off for the day.

Is this plain Bali? They have four of them.

TeaNTees said

Uh oh, haha, I thought it was the “Bali” flavored green tea.


Is this Satsuma Yuzu?

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Oh side note, I ordered some foil lined Kraft envelopes to use for the repackaging.

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Zack S. said

A couple tweaks you can make to the pdf document:

I am only interested in 25g of the Figue Fraiche, not 50g.
Add me for 25g of Mangue Égyptienne.
Add me for 25g of Nosy Bey.
Add me for 25g of Oolong Châtaigne.

If that leaves a 25g hole of Figue Fraiche I’m ok with taking the other 25g of that one as well.

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Uniquity said

Anyone else following this just to see how many grams and how many $$ it comes to?? :D

Patricia said


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A few clarifications:
Tisane de Noel appears to only come in a tin – which of Zack and Sren will get the tin?

Dodo – is what you put as “Satsuma Yume” Satsuma Yuzu? That’s all I see on the site.
I also need to know which Bali to order.

I am putting the spreadsheet back up with prices on there, as of today’s exchange rates. They might change a little one way or the other by the time we settle on the actual order but the change won’t be significant. Also, shipping isn’t included yet because until I build the cart I won’t have an actual shipping number (it scales).

I am hoping when people see how low the 25g prices are, we can fill in some more lines on the sheet (the yellow highlighted cells) – but if not we will need to decide if those should be cut or if the ones wanting those teas want a larger quantity.


Zack S. said

You can give the tin to Sren.

Hoping that someone else is interested in trying any Osmanthe D’Or, or Rose de Mai?

Oops! My bad, I meant to say Yuzu. I was close with the Y…
I thought there was only one type of Bali? I am thinking of the green version.

TeaNTees said

Yay, glad I was correct in thinking it was the flavored green tea. :) you can up my quanity to 50g if that helps fill some spots. Thanks for all your hard work marzipan!! :)

I’ll take another look at it too- I’m sure I can fill in some of the blanks that we need to get the order complete. Thanks Marzipan!

sren said

Zack: I am up for the Osmanthe D’Or
The other looks too floral for me

Marzipan: I accidentally replied in a new post below. How exciting— thank you for all of the leg work on this!

Uniquity said

Wow, those prices are amazing.

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sren said

Oh my goodness, that is inexpensive!

You can fill me in for the remaining
Mangue Egyptianne
Melange des Chreubins
Noel a Londres
Oolong Chataigne
Oriental Noir
Osmanthe D’Or
Quatre Fruits Rouge
Satsuma Yuzu

Curses! I knew someone would snatch up Mangue Egyptianne! Lemme know how it is!

sren said

I have jumped in on so many— please take the Mangue!

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I’ll take the rest of the Bali, Vanille and Quatre Fruits Rouges. If Sren wants too, I can split the remaining Tourbillion with them.

sren said

I’m flexible :)

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