Matcha and Green TTB! Box on the move!
Welcome to Steepester first Matcha TTB! This box is mainly for matcha (of any variation, green, red, black) but is also open to green tea and other powdered teas. It can also be flavored green.
As with any TTB we do have a few rules, which are listed below
+ Only Matcha, other powdered teas, or green tea
(You are welcome to add in other teas for the next person after you if they would like something from your cupboard)
+ Take a penny, give a penny. Please try to keep the box full for the next person
+ Damaged box? Please grab a new box.
+ Follow the person ahead and behind you. (Don’t try this while doing a conga.)
+ Please label with Tea name, Company, and steeping time.
+ Red Leaf has graciously added samples to our box. As a thank you to them for this if you try their samples please review it on their website as well as here on steepster.
+ A list of matcha and tea will be keep in google documents. You are welcome to print out the sheets if you wish.
List of participants:
Carol Who – Illinois
Nichole – Illinois
Anlina – Manitoba, Canada
Inkling – Wisconsin
TheLastDodo – Denver
Liquid Proust – Ohio
kieblera5 – Virgina
Dustin – Texas
Zach S. – California
I think maybe you could do a green tea and matcha TTB, I think Matcha by itself wouldn’t work.
I’d be into doing a matcha and other finely ground teas box. I have quite a few of these.
I second Anlina’s powdered teas idea. I have some interesting ones. It could be like the matcha version of the Teeny Tiny TTB from a while back. Small sizes/less volume.
I’d like to be included. I wonder if Red Leaf tea would donate some matcha to get us started? They are always extremely generous with samples. I don’t know if they would be interested but it’s probably worth contacting them. BTW, how well does matcha hold up over time. Is it like most teas… 1 year? I have a bunch of older matches that I may have to consider tossing out. If they last longer, I would have some to share. I don’t know what their grade is but they are tasty for lattes. They might not be ‘good enough’ for the more ceremonial/traditional brewing.
That’s a great idea.
Matcha can degrade pretty quickly. Because it’s finely ground, there’s a lot of surface area where oxidation can occur. That said, I’ve had some matcha that was past the best before date, and it was still delicious for lattes, which is how I drink the majority of my matcha unless it’s ceremonial grade. If it tastes good still, I wouldn’t toss it.
Usually people try to use up matcha within a few months but I think it really depends on personal preference. We all know how infrequently rules work in the tea world.
I could donate some samples, if anyone is interested :) The bags are heat sealed and we store our matcha in the freezer until packing time.
That would be great! I’ll be the one sending it out the box. Let me know of u want to and i can send you my address. :)
Love all the ideas. I think doing greens would be a great idea. Should we also include the green variety of oolong then? Or just stick with greens?
Also I usually like to have a list up on google docs. Is that ok with everyone?
Oh and I was thinking about including how to make matcha notes or recipes or something too. Just thoughts before getting the box ready.
I think we should do just greens. And limit the amount of greens put in by each person. (One or two greens per person, perhaps?) Maybe, for the sake of fairness, if you take out a matcha, you have to replace it with another matcha, not a regular green, and vice versa.
What do you think of doing only straight greens?
just playing devils advocate here…..but with summer approaching do yall think boxing up matcha and placing it in a hot humid truck for days on end is a good idea?
I guess I don’t see it as an issue. There are plenty of businesses that will be shipping their matcha and whatnot on hot days. I know matcha is a bit more sensitive to the heat so we will just havr to be wary is all.
I feel like this would be very difficult and would require several caddies to be included in the box.
I don’t think so. It’s easy to put powdered teas in those little sample baggies. All you have to do is measure on a piece of paper and use the paper as a tiny funnel to carefully slide the tea into the pouch.
Oh, and don’t sneeze!
Pretty much all of what I will be sending out comes in bigger pouches that are easy to get the matcha from. If they are in smaller pouches it will just require some careful handling is all
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