Matcha and Green TTB! Box on the move!

108 Replies
Skysamurai said

Ok I think we have enough people with interest that we can get this thing started!

Please reply below with the state you are in. We will put everyone in order later.


I’m in Virginia.

Anlina said

Manitoba Canada

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carol who said

I’m outside of Chicago in IL.

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Count me in! I am in Denver, CO

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Skysamurai said

I updated the topic of the thread to say green as well since will be having green tea in there too.

Do you guys want me to put up a list on what’s in the box now or wait?

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Inkling said

I’d love to join! I’m in Wisconsin.

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Count me in! I’m in Illinois.

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Dustin said

I’m in Texas and would like to join in!

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I’ll be back from Japan in the middle of May and if I’m granted a position for this TTB I will create a mini box to put inside labeled “A taste of Japan” and allow everyone after me to partake of that portion.
I would receive/ship from Ohio.
P.S. Somebody please put in some ground Alishan oolong and/or Powdered Wild Sheng Pu’er from TheTeaKings : )

pssst. I am :P

I was gonna say that I think Dodo has some! :P

Skysamurai said

I will gladly add you. I am sure we can arrange it to give you enough time to get back and de-jetlag. I want to go back to Japan so bad. so much more that I want to do!

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Zack S. said

Add me to the list! I’ve got plenty of greens to add!

Skysamurai said

what state are you in? =]

Zack S. said

Oops forgot to say… California.

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Skysamurai said

Ok!! My crazy weekend is over so I figure that this week will be good to send the box out. I’ll ship up to Canada first. I’ll rearrange the order in a few.

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