Cuppageek Advent Day 15
This was my random pull today! I made it in my Kamjove and combined three steeps together. In this small Kamjove, the third steep doesn’t immediately run out because the water level is above the level in the steeper so you have to go ahead and pour and then press the button again so the rest of steep three runs out and doesn’t oversteep.
This is maple forward which suits me just fine! I don’t like hot ginger but I don’t mind a bit of warming or a sparkle from it. This one was not too hot for me.
It reminds me of Cinnamon Sugar Cookie but has a little more body and flavor than that one, so I think I like this one better!
I would say this has medium body. If you sweeten your tea – I do not usually – it would be cool to try this two ways, comparing a bit of sugar or a bit of maple syrup. If I had a whole bag of it, I would try it as a latte using maple syrup to sweeten!
As a plain tea with no additions, it was a very nice afternoon treat with my biscotti.
Oohhhhh! I need to try that!
Let me know how you like it!