Sipdown no. 19 of 2021 (no. 639 total).
I’m really torn about this one. On the one hand, the idea of lilac tea is very cool. I’m not sure I’ve had any others, or certainly not many.
On the other, this has what I think of as the Simpson Vail black flavored tea problem. Something about the base is quite heavy, and depending on the day it can sit like a rock in my stomach. I am feeling that today.
Also, there’s the general Simpson Vail flavored tea problem, namely that because the teas were shipped in paper bags, they comingled their smells so that they all sort of have the same base aroma.
That said, there’s a distinct aroma and flavor in this one that must be the lilac. My original note found it soapy/lotiony, and I don’t find it that way now — maybe the evaporation of oils over time helps with that. Who knows.
So on the one hand, I like that it is lilac and I don’t have a lot of lilac in my repertoire to judge against. So is this a good lilac? Well, it has its faults, but I don’t really have anything to compare it to.
On a sheer enjoyment scale, apart from whether it is a good representative of its kind, not sure it would be an 84.
I’m going to bump it down a bit, but keep it in the 80s because it’s the only representative lilac I think I currently have and it doesn’t fail on that score.
Oh, wow…I love lilacs. I did not know they were tea-worthy!
I know, right?
If anyone doesn’t know, S&V has changed their packaging to sent proof resealable pouches now.
That is certainly a step in the right direction!