All three fruits I know well. We have them as fruit trees on our garden. And slowly, they start to bloom in these days. It seems that spring finally reached us as well.
I don’t know exactly, why I have chose this in my CGFoods order, maybe it was cheap, maybe I just wanted new wrappers to my tea bag wrapper collection… maybe I was actually interested in flavour.
Anyway, taste wise it is a very good blend. It is full of pears, the soft, buttery ones and tasted genuine and quite complex. Add red apples… and their sweetness. They aren’t much present in other ways. The last… plums. Sadly, I haven’t noticed them much this time. Maybe a little in aftertaste. Maybe they need a little shorter steeping than I did. Because last time they were a little bit more prominent. Maybe all tea bags aren’t same.
But in conclusion? I am super happy with this tea and its flavours. They are kind of real, genuine and most importantly, they do not taste artificial. And it is not tart and no heart-burn. And it is not oversweet too.