2021 sipdown no. 30
I’ve made it twice now, steeped once at 5 minutes and once at 4 minutes. The 5 minute steep seemed to bring out more flavour.
There seems to be some fruitiness here, I would say berries of some sort because there’s a slight tartness that could be reminiscent of raspberries. There’s also the faintest hint of sweetness that could be caramel, if I really reach. I’m not getting a lot else. This seems like it could be user error, but I’m really not sure where I went wrong!
Thanks Cameron for sharing!
This is a very finicky tea. When you get it just right, it is brilliant strawberries and cream. When you don’t, it bites you. I liked it a four minutes and 200F.
Cameron that’s okay — I’m still so happy to have tried it! And actually, once I posted my note a previous note I wrote on it popped up, and it seemed I had a similar not the greatest experience!
ashmanra that’s great to know! Some teas are so finicky and need a special touch!
some flavored teas are better for me steeped one minute, more flavor pops (and then resteeps, so I don’t feel like I’m wasting the leaves with only one minute.)
It’s fairly old, so it’s possible it hasn’t held up well. I haven’t tried this one in ages…
This is a very finicky tea. When you get it just right, it is brilliant strawberries and cream. When you don’t, it bites you. I liked it a four minutes and 200F.
Cameron that’s okay — I’m still so happy to have tried it! And actually, once I posted my note a previous note I wrote on it popped up, and it seemed I had a similar not the greatest experience!
ashmanra that’s great to know! Some teas are so finicky and need a special touch!
some flavored teas are better for me steeped one minute, more flavor pops (and then resteeps, so I don’t feel like I’m wasting the leaves with only one minute.)
That’s a neat trick tea-sipper! I’ll have to try that out.
yeah, i think its because a longer steep sometimes lets the base tea take over the flavor.