Thanks to tea-sipper for this one! I’ve also had a sample of it from Mastress Alita, though I didn’t write a note at the time. The mint is really good. I’m having it at room temperature, and the flavor is so clean and fresh. I don’t taste any pistachio or black tea, but the mint is some of the best mint I’ve had. Really pleased with this one, though I don’t think I’d buy it over a caffeine-free mint blend.
Deeply regret not getting more of this when I had the chance; it was a blend that really surprised me with how much I enjoyed it! Never knew that I’d like pistachio and mint together so much.
Deeply regret not getting more of this when I had the chance; it was a blend that really surprised me with how much I enjoyed it! Never knew that I’d like pistachio and mint together so much.
Maybe they will bring it back, Roswell (B&B’s sale in about ten days, perhaps?)
I’m very excited for the sale!!