The last of the new teas I’m going to try today.
The smell of the tea in the canister is fruity yet dark. Inviting but a little mysterious. Which is pretty impressive for a 2 inch sample tin of little green leaves.
Once brewed, the scent diminishes a little and almost acquired a very mild soapy overtone. (But in a good way, honest.) The flavor is definitely complex, and I’ll have to try this a few times before I can really describe it with justice. I tend to sweeten my tea, but I wanted to try the first sip of this unsweetened. It tasted almost woody. But I liked it. I then added a packet of splenda (as is my want with most tea). On second taste, it’s definitely over sweetened. So only half a packet next time. It’s got a bit of a creamy mouth-feel to it. As I am working through this cup, I find I’m liking it more and more.
I’ll try a second steeping tomorrow and see what I think then…