Ginger is my favorite spice, and so when I saw this in the shop last night, I had to get it, even though I’m trying to move to loose leaf rather than bagged tea. (And two other boxes came home too, but we’ll not speak of that. )
Once I removed the plastic, I was surprised that the the scent was so.. weak. Once brewed, the spice scent still had less ginger than expected, but was definitely better than just the smell of the tea bags.
Flavor-wise, it’s definitely a cookie flavor, and the tea tastes like a mild gingerbread cookie. The ginger doesn’t have a bite to it, and you can taste a few of the other spices.
I am enjoying this tea, but likely won’t buy another box – I prefer my flavors bold, and this is very mellow. But, it’s good, and if you like spice tea and mild gingerbread cookies, this is good stuff!