294 Tasting Notes


This has been my favorite tea in the sipsby advent so far, which is hilarious. After all my “should I even buy the DAVIDsTEA advent anymore” and “maybe I’ve just tried all their stuff I want to try at this point” I get one out of left field through sipsby.

Through both cups, I was surprised at how much it lives up to its name. I definitely get the light egg/cream of french toast along with the cardamom and cinnamon. It has a sweet element, but I think the black tea base saves it from being completely overwhelming. While I would probably prefer a french toast tea that was less forward on the cardamom, I really enjoyed this one.

My partner prefers unflavored and bitter things, and he said this felt more like a bread pudding than a french toast because it was so sweet for him, but that it was still pleasant.

sipsby advent, day 13*
(sipsby packages this in no particular order)

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Egg

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A friend of mine said she wasn’t excited about this tea but wound up enjoying it a lot, so I was eager to try it despite not enjoying black licorice. The peppermint was the dominant smell. The mint is also evident while drinking, though the flavor certainly takes a back seat to the licorice. It felt like a lump of black licorice stuck in the back of my throat – and I mean stuck, because it lingered there for hours after I gave up on the cup.

teapigs advent, day 13

Flavors: Licorice

Cameron B.

I like licorice, but licorice root is a whole different thing ha ha. I can’t handle that cloyingly sweet aftertaste when there’s a lot of it.

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drank Let It Snow by DAVIDsTEA
294 tasting notes

I didn’t enjoy this last year, and while I’m bumping my rating up to better match my personal scale, I don’t think my opinion changed much.

I’ve never had an eggnog so I can’t say anything about how close it might be to that flavor. I smell warm winter spices but taste sweetness and cream more than the spice. I would rather have more spice and less sweet, but this is okay for an infrequent cup.

DAVIDsTEA advent, day 12

Flavors: Artificial, Cream, Spices, Sweet

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drank Unicorn Dream by DAVIDsTEA
294 tasting notes

If you’re not a fan of the artificially sweet blends from DAVIDsTEA, this is one to skip.

It looked like so much fun in the tin. I may have oversteeped mine; while I read 5+ minutes as the recommended time, I think mine went more like 15 thanks to a toddler distraction mid-steep. It came out a murky purple.

We’ve already noted I don’t have a discerning palate, but all I get from this is sweet. Like a rock candy, bubblegum, cotton candy type sweet – except I enjoy those things to some extent and did not enjoy this. It was closer to a frosted cereal than the actual blend frosted cereal, actually, and I think my issue was it was such an artificial flavor.

My partner – “This one is bad, right? That’s why you’re holding it out like that – oh yep. Yeah that’s bad.”

DAVIDsTEA caffeine free advent, day 12

Flavors: Artificial, Sweet

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Took a long weekend off from my computer, which is extra nice because I’m definitely going to be glued to it for the week as I finish my grades. I’m only halfway through my advents, so I hope I can be forgiven for focusing on finishing them over December/January!

This one was interesting; I’m not sure I would have guessed apple at all if I hadn’t read the name. It’s a pleasant black tea with only hints of the spices I’d associate with apple pie in the back. As it cools, the cinnamon is much more obvious, but I still don’t notice much apple.

sipsby advent, day 12*
(sipsby packages this in no particular order)

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drank Cleanse by Teapigs
294 tasting notes

“Calm” and “energy” may be pet peeve tea names, but nothing raises my hackles as much as something labeled “cleanse”.

The scent reminds me of teas labeled “sleep”, which I can generally tolerate even if I don’t enjoy them. The lemongrass is prominent in scent and flavor, and I did feel like I was getting ginger in the beginning of the sip. The aftertaste is the worst part, because it feels like a coconut film on my tongue. I hate coconut (only moderately less than I hate the “cleanse” concept).

It’s probably better than celery juice (anyone else in love with Maintenance Phase?) as far as cleanses go, but as far as tea goes, this did not work for me.

teapigs advent, day 12


I agree. If it has Cleanse or Detox in the title it’s almost certainly going to taste awful. I try to steer clear of those if I can help it. I did go through a celery juice phase for about two days but that was all I could handle.

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drank Forever Nuts by DAVIDsTEA
294 tasting notes

I was skeptical of this immediately based on the name. After my shock that it’s quite tasty – like a cinnamon pastry with hints of cream and apple – I read reviews and found out that this blend is like, a THING.

It’s a very tasty thing, as it turns out. I’m saved from an immediate purchase by the fact that I’m rarely in the mood for a pastry, and it really gives me that vibe.

(Also, I really don’t know why the pink color is a selling point – it just seems wrong?)

DAVIDsTEA caffeine free advent, day 11

Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Cream, Pastries

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drank Jasmine Pearls by Teapigs
294 tasting notes

In college, the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf was a staple on campus – despite multiple Starbucks locations that were more convenient, because of course we had to go here to get the tea. A friend introduced me to the Jasmine Dragon Tea Latte, the very idea of which appalled me until I tasted it. Then I was hooked.

I have not figured out how to make a tea latte yet, but I’m always happy to see a jasmine tea, and this was no exception. This is one I’d buy to have a quick and easy bagged jasmine on hand.

teapigs advent, day 11

Flavors: Jasmine

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My partner asked for a cup of tea and tends to prefer simplicity, so this was a good one to share with him this morning. It’s a green tea and mint pairing that delivers exactly what it says – some green tea flavor up front and then the rest is spearmint. I like a good spearmint tea; this hit the spot.

sipsby advent, day 11*
(sipsby packages this in no particular order, so your order may be different than mine)

Flavors: Spearmint

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drank Caribbean Crush by DAVIDsTEA
294 tasting notes

As the advents continue, the fruity hibiscus teas are starting to feel the same. Hot, I’m getting mostly an artificial sweet flavor, with the hibiscus next. There is pineapple in the scent but I miss it in the flavor. The hibiscus and other fruit is more prominent when it cools. I could definitely see this as a cold brew or iced tea, so long as it doesn’t accentuate the sweetener.

DAVIDsTEA caffeine free advent, day 10

Flavors: Hibiscus, Stevia

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Mom of 2, adjunct, and general homebody in California.

Great at buying tea, okay at drinking tea, awful at timely reviews. Drawn to fruit, floral, spice, smoke, and flavored teas in general; prefer those that stand well without milk or sweetener. Black is fine, green is better, and red rooibos is trash.

My ratings are for me, so I don’t accidentally buy something that sounds amazing but I’ve already tried and disliked. I struggle a bit with wanting to be “fair” to a tea that other people would probably like, but then my system won’t work!

90-100 A: loved it; would make this a permanent member of my stash
80-89 B: tasty; would pick it up again
70-79 C: good; could grab with a good deal or to try in a different style
60-69 D: okay; would keep in a set but probably would not repurchase on its own
1-59 F: various shades of bad; would not purchase; closer to 1 means may not even drink again if offered.

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