Thank you, Shelley_Lorraine, for this sample! With the school year ending tomorrow, I’ve desperately needed all my sleep lately, and that’s led to us experimenting with different herbals. I enjoyed trying another member of that group, and an organic one at that!
I didn’t measure the sample, but it looked about the right size for my 24-oz teapot, so I tossed it all in and steeped it for 8 minutes. My quick before-additive sip was very tart, so I dumped in 3 spoonfuls of Sugar in the Raw and served it up.
With the title’s focus, I was a little surprised how prevalent the chamomile is – It didn’t sing a solo, but the orange and cranberry backup singers were more distant than I would have expected. I think I’ll grab another cup, sit back, and watch the husband make dinner. Ahhh… now that’s a way to end a hectic day!