As a puerh drinker in a past life, I feel like I have been the only person to say something about puerh dante besides how awful it is. I don’t know, I guess I have low standards. I think it’s the kind of tea that you like for it’s flaws. At least the earlier puerh dante was like that. Since then I think Adagio found a higher quality puerh to call puerh dante. It’s very smooth, which one would expect from cooked puerh. There is almost a malty flavor upfront that ties the earthy flavors together. Puerh dante was my introduction to puerh, and I liken it to going in the woods and smelling dirt and rotting vegetation. It might not smell pleasant at first, but you learn to like it. At least, that’s how I view this tea. I didn’t like it at first, but I grew to like it. This doesn’t seem like the same tea I first tried, but it is a welcome change. Adagio traded in a very earthy puerh for a cleaner, maltier puerh. Not that earthy is bad.
1 tsp
7 OZ / 207 ML