Following 17 Tea Drinkers

laney 19 followers

Daddyselephant 311 followers

Formerly aisling of tea, now you can call me ele . “You can forgive a murder,...

mirthmatter 28 followers

20-something year old university student aiming for a major in History and a ...

Faith 72 followers

Hi there! I am a big fan of tea in it’s many forms: white, green, black, red,...

Nurvilya 20 followers

Erin 84 followers

University student and relatively new tea convert. It all started several mon...



I have always enjoyed tea. One day during the Olympics in Vancouver on a cold rainy day I came across this tea store, I went in and I was amazed by the number of teas. I was probably there for over an hour smelling every tea they had in store. The store I stumbled upon was DAVIDsTEA. That day I bought about 5 tea`s with high caffeine content so I could stay awake for my night shifts. Later that year during the summer I returned with my boyfriend and I left with 10 tins of 100g each of tea. Since that day I have not bought tea from anywhere else. I have become a tea fanatic since that one cold winter day in Vancouver.


Victoria, BC

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