I’m recently back drinking tea regularly as I had been mostly drinking specialty coffee so I’ve been having fun exploring brands and blends. In the old days, (20 years ago) I drank Earl Grey and English Breakfast and assorted herbals and growing up in the Boston area English teas were the norm; Lipton, Tetley, Salada and the like were in my folk’s cupboard. My dad was full-on Irish so he preferred a bold and strong cuppa with milk and sugar. Anyway.. being half-Irish my review of an Irish tea can only be 50% valid so there’s that! To the tea, I think TJ’s blend is pretty much what I’d hoped for in an Irish Breakfast; strong, malty, dark and boisterous. This tea is not kidding. If you want a morning or afternoon pick-me-up, this is a great choice. Don’t steep past 5 minutes to avoid some bitterness and definitely add milk & sugar. And lastly, some reviews can be quite snobby but this is not a tea for you. This is a 4¢ bag of in your face black tea that you probably shouldn’t drink after 5 pm unless you’re on the night shift.
Flavors: Brandy, Malt, Oak