I have been thinking I was looking for a vanilla tea. NO, I have been looking for hazelnut and Ceylon tea. I got my samples from Adiago today. I opened each tin and sniffed. Good smells from the two oolongs, but when I got to this one, I stopped and made a pot of tea.
The smell is intoxicating. The brew is a light black tea and the hazelnut definitely adds a dimension. Not too overpowering, just a nice complement to the Ceylon. I added milk and sugar and downed that pot instantly. I drank the second pot without milk and sugar. I like it:)
Not sure about the brew time or the temp of the water. I normally only brew tea 3 minutes. The tin recommends 5 min with water 212 degrees…so I will have to play with this and see what I like best. 3 infusions later, I really love this tea. I do think that the water does not need to be 212 degrees and 3 minutes is an adequate brewing time. But I will continue to experiment with my sample. I can tell I need to place another Adiago order soon, the sample will be gone in a few days:))