This tea seems to be regarded by some as one of the most chocolaty teas out there. So, being the chocoholic that I am, I had to try it. :P
The tea itself smells chocolaty, with a hint of maltiness and a touch of roasty.
I originally steeped it for about 6 mins, but it was still pretty light, so I left it in for an extra couple of minutes while I let the water cool down to not-burning temperature.
The tea tastes chocolaty, as one would expect. Not as chocolaty as a chocolate bar, but still chocolaty. :) There’s a hint of malt in there too, which adds to the tastiness.
It’s nice and smooth, which I like, but it doesn’t really have a strong flavor. I think next time I’ll add more leaf and see how it goes. What’s there is yummy, but I would like it to be a bit more flavorful. (Could be that I used the not-boiling water at work instead of actually boiling water, as is suggested.) But I definitely like it, and I can see myself having this in the morning (when caffeine is needed) quite often. :)