I’m glad I decided to only buy a bag of about 50g of this tea. As much as I had initially loved this, it has eventually become pale and not very buttery at all.
The leaves’ aroma still gives off the impression that this will be a very creamy and full flavored black tea, but comes off flat, unnecessarily bitter and just not close to it’s description at all.
The fact that this tea will only be half as buttery with an equal or more amount of sugar added doesn’t help. As much as I love a sweetened tea, straight tea is better. But, if required, the less sugar the better.
It’s quite unfortunate, as it still seems nothing can and will compare to the holiest of holies, Teavana’s Almond Biscotti.
I too have been suffering the sting of no more Almond Biscotti and the quest for a replacement. The closest things I have found are Tea Embassy’s Almond Cookies Green and Teavanna’s reblend of AB, Amadine Rose which would only be good if you like over the top rose flavor.
I too have been suffering the sting of no more Almond Biscotti and the quest for a replacement. The closest things I have found are Tea Embassy’s Almond Cookies Green and Teavanna’s reblend of AB, Amadine Rose which would only be good if you like over the top rose flavor.
The reckless rose really ruined the Amadine Rose, as I kind of liked it on my initial steep, but the more I had it, the less buttery it got, and the more pale the rose made it.
I need to try that Almond Cookies Green, but unfortunately nothing can replace the pure cookie delight of Almond Biscotti.